reneviering / vanilla-ui-router

Simple vanilla JavaScript router
MIT License
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Vanilla UI Router

Greenkeeper badge

Simple vanilla JavaScript router to be used inside a single page app to add routing capabilities.

The router comes with zero dependencies and can be used with any other libraries. It's based on the hashchange-Event.


$ npm install --save vanilla-ui-router

As UMD module this runs everywhere (ES6 modules, CommonJS, AMD and with good ol’ globals).


Let's assume your initial markup has the following structure:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />

    <!-- Entry point, dynamic content is rendered into this DOM element -->
    <main id="app"></main>

    <!-- Bundle where your JavaScript logic lives, even the router configuration -->
    <script src=""></script>

Then you could configure the router with the following JavaScript:

import {createRouter} from 'vanilla-ui-router';

// Initialize the router with the dynamic DOM entry point
const router = createRouter(document.getElementById('app'));


    // Start route: The server side URL without a hash
    .addRoute('', () => {
            Use navigateTo(…) to make dynamic route changes, i.e. to redirect to another route

    .addRoute('home', (domEntryPoint) => {
        domEntryPoint.textContent = 'I am the home route.';

    .addRoute('about/:aboutId/:editable', (domEntryPoint, routeParams) => {
        console.log('I am the about route.');

            routeParams are extracted from the URL and are casted to the correct type
        console.log(routeParams); // => { aboutId: 42, editable:false }

        If routes get more complex, e.g. you need to render a template URL,
        pass a configuration object as second parameter (instead of the function)
    .addRoute('route-with-template-url', {
        templateUrl: 'path/to/template.html' // is loaded and gets rendered

    .addRoute('route-with-template-string/:id', {
        templateString: '<p>Lorem ipsum dolor.</p>',
        routeHandler: (domEntryPoint, routeParams) => {
            It's called just after rendering the template, so you can add route-specific logic.
            But only if needed!

        You can also define a templateId, i.e. if you have a template-script inside
        your markup like:

        <script type="text/template" id="template42">
                Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Dolor, tenetur?
    .addRoute('route-with-template-id/:id', {
        templateId: 'template42'

    .addRoute('route-with-dispose', {
        routeHandler: () => {},
        dispose: () => {
            // Is called before navigating to another route to do some cleanup if needed.

    .addRoute('inject-custom-data', {
        routeHandler: (domEntryPoint, routeParams, {customData}) => {
            // It's passed as the last parameter of the route, for instance to pass a redux store.
    }, { customData: 'moep'}) // if you need to pass custom data to your routes

    .otherwise(() => {
        // If no route configuration matches, the otherwise route is invoked.
        console.log('I am the otherwise route');


Please be aware of the licenses of the components we use in this project. Everything else that has been developed by the contributions to this project is under MIT License.