renoise / definitions

LuaCATS definitions for the Renoise Lua API
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use integers instead of numbers #15

Closed unlessgames closed 4 months ago

unlessgames commented 4 months ago

Converted every instance where an integer was annotated as a number.

emuell commented 4 months ago

Looks great.

Found a few more integers at:

Let me know if I should take care of them in a second pass or if you want to add them in this PR.

unlessgames commented 4 months ago

Thanks, I changed them!

How about

emuell commented 4 months ago

The ms values are numbers internally, but color blend is an integer indeed. Not sure why, should have been a 0-1 float. But as it's now a 0-100 integer, it should also be documented as one. Thanks!

unlessgames commented 4 months ago

Well, the track color blend shows up in the built-in color picker as an int from 0 to 100 as well so I think it's fine that the API mirrors that.

I guess that's it for integers then!

emuell commented 4 months ago

Yup. Perfect. Merging this now.