renoise / definitions

LuaCATS definitions for the Renoise Lua API
MIT License
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LuaCATS definitions for the Renoise Lua API


This is a Renoise Tools API add-on for the LuaLS Language Server.

LuaLS provides various features for Lua in code editors, such as autocompletion, type hovers, dynamic type checking, diagnostics and more via LuaCATS annotations.


A pretty online API reference book based on this definition and general guide to scripting development in Renoise can be read here: Renoise Scripting Development Book

The scripting development book, latest API definition and example tools, can be downloaded as a "scripting starter pack" bundle file from the XRNX Repository.


The API definitions is usable as is is now, but still a work in progress. Please report bugs or improvements as issues here and/or create a merge request.

Known issues


To use the definition in e.g. vscode, first install the sumneko.lua vscode extension as described here:

Then clone or download a copy of this repository, and configure your workspace to use the Renoise definition files:

In your project's /.vscode/settings.json file, add:

    "Lua.workspace.library": ["PATH/TO/RENOISE_DEFINITION_FOLDER"],
    "Lua.runtime.plugin": "PATH/TO/RENOISE_DEFINITION_FOLDER/plugin.lua"

Note: The Lua.runtime.plugin setting only is needed in order to automatically annotate the custom class keyword.


Contributions are welcome!

Please report issues here or fork the latest git repository and create a feature or bugfix branch.