renoise / definitions

LuaCATS definitions for the Renoise Lua API
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sample modulation set fixes and updates #22

Closed unlessgames closed 4 months ago

unlessgames commented 4 months ago

Fixed a missing parameter noted on the forum

Added an enum for possible filter types from version 3.

Although I don't quite understand how filter types work. Is the available_types list always the same for current Renoise and only legacy imported songs can have different (or less) types?

If so it might still be better to include each version's types as an enum here and use that instead of a plain string as input.

emuell commented 4 months ago

Yes, the available filter types change with the 'filter_version'. Old songs may use old filters. They then can be upgraded via upgrade_filter_version function.

Here's the full list:

---Available filter types when filter_version = 1
---@alias FilterTypes1
---"LP -12 dB"
---"LP -24 dB"
---"LP -48 dB"
---"Moog LP"
---"Single Pole"
---"HP -12 dB"
---"HP -24 dB"
---"Moog HP"
---"Band Reject"
---"Band Pass"
---"EQ -15 dB"
---"EQ -6 dB"
---"EQ +6 dB"
---"EQ +15 dB"
---"Peaking EQ"
---"Dist. Low"
---"Dist. Mid"
---"Dist. High"

---Available filter types when filter_version = 2
---@alias FilterTypes2
---|"LP 2x2 Pole"
---|"LP 2 Pole"
---|"LP Biquad"
---|"LP Moog"
---|"LP Single"
---|"HP 2x2 Pole"
---|"HP 2 Pole"
---|"HP Moog"
---|"Band Reject"
---|"Band Pass"
---|"EQ -15 dB"
---|"EQ -6 dB"
---|"EQ +6 dB"
---|"EQ +15 dB"
---|"EQ Peaking"
---|"Dist. Low"
---|"Dist. Mid"
---|"Dist. High"

---Available filter types when filter_version = 3
---@alias FilterTypes3 
---|"LP Clean"
---|"LP K35"
---|"LP Moog"
---|"LP Diode"
---|"HP Clean"
---|"HP K35"
---|"HP Moog"
---|"BP Clean"
---|"BP K35"
---|"BP Moog"
---|"Dist Shape"
---|"Dist Fold"
---|"AM Sine"
---|"AM Triangle"
---|"AM Saw"
---|"AM Pulse"
unlessgames commented 4 months ago

Thanks! I included those as well.