renrizzolo / strapi-plugin-gutenberg-editor

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Strapi plugin gutenberg-editor

Replaces the Strapi WYSIWYG Rich Text editor with the WordPress Gutenberg editor. This is a proof of concept. It might be a little broken, there is no undo/redo, not all blocks have been tested, etc.



In order to transform the blocks to/from html, the blocks JSON needs to be saved to a separate field. You must add a JSON field titled gutenberg_blocks to your content type.



You might want to copy the blocks css from wordpress core and include it in your frontend: /wp-includes/css/dist/block-library/style.css.

There's known issue when directly uploading an image (rather than opening the media library). You will get an OS file picker, then after picking the file you will be presented with he strapi media uploader drop file UI. At this point you just need to press back within the media uploader UI, and the file you chose will be show and ready to upload. The whole integration with the Strapi Media Uploader feels pretty hacky, but it is working nonetheless.