reorx / aima-python

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Python implementation of algorithms from Russell and Norvig's Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach.

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Index of Code

Fig Page Name (in book) Code
2 32 Environment Environment
2.1 33 Agent Agent
2.3 34 Table-Driven-Vacuum-Agent TableDrivenVacuumAgent
2.7 45 Table-Driven-Agent TableDrivenAgent
2.8 46 Reflex-Vacuum-Agent ReflexVacuumAgent
2.10 47 Simple-Reflex-Agent SimpleReflexAgent
2.12 49 Reflex-Agent-With-State ReflexAgentWithState
3.1 61 Simple-Problem-Solving-Agent SimpleProblemSolvingAgent
3 62 Problem Problem
3.2 63 Romania romania
3 69 Node Node
3.7 70 Tree-Search tree_search
3 71 Queue Queue
3.9 72 Tree-Search tree_search
3.13 77 Depth-Limited-Search depth_limited_search
3.14 79 Iterative-Deepening-Search iterative_deepening_search
3.19 83 Graph-Search graph_search
4 95 Best-First-Search best_first_graph_search
4 97 A*-Search astar_search
4.5 102 Recursive-Best-First-Search recursive_best_first_search
4.11 112 Hill-Climbing hill_climbing
4.14 116 Simulated-Annealing simulated_annealing
4.17 119 Genetic-Algorithm genetic_algorithm
4.20 126 Online-DFS-Agent
4.23 128 LRTA*-Agent
5 137 CSP CSP
5.3 142 Backtracking-Search backtracking_search
5.7 146 AC-3 AC3
5.8 151 Min-Conflicts min_conflicts
6.3 166 Minimax-Decision minimax_decision
6.7 170 Alpha-Beta-Search alphabeta_search
7 195 KB KB
7.1 196 KB-Agent KB_Agent
7.7 205 Propositional Logic Sentence Expr
7.10 209 TT-Entails tt_entials
7 215 Convert to CNF to_cnf
7.12 216 PL-Resolution pl_resolution
7.14 219 PL-FC-Entails? pl_fc_resolution
7.16 222 DPLL-Satisfiable? dpll_satisfiable
7.17 223 WalkSAT WalkSAT
7.19 226 PL-Wumpus-Agent PLWumpusAgent
9 273 Subst subst
9.1 278 Unify unify
9.3 282 FOL-FC-Ask fol_fc_ask
9.6 288 FOL-BC-Ask fol_bc_ask
9.14 307 Otter
11.2 380 Airport-problem
11.3 381 Spare-Tire-Problem
11.4 383 Three-Block-Tower
11 390 Partial-Order-Planner
11.11 396 Cake-Problem
11.13 399 Graphplan
11.15 403 SATPlan
12.1 418 Job-Shop-Problem
12.3 421 Job-Shop-Problem-With-Resources
12.6 424 House-Building-Problem
12.10 435 And-Or-Graph-Search
12.22 449 Continuous-POP-Agent
12.23 450 Doubles-tennis
13.1 466 DT-Agent DTAgent
13 469 Discrete Probability Distribution DiscreteProbDist
13.4 477 Enumerate-Joint-Ask
14.10 509 Elimination-Ask
14.12 512 Prior-Sample
14.13 513 Rejection-Sampling
14.14 515 Likelihood-Weighting
14.15 517 MCMC-Ask
15.4 546 Forward-Backward
15.6 552 Fixed-Lag-Smoothing
15.15 566 Particle-Filtering
16.8 603 Information-Gathering-Agent
17.4 621 Value-Iteration value_iteration
17.7 624 Policy-Iteration policy_iteration
18.5 658 Decision-Tree-Learning DecisionTreeLearner
18.10 667 AdaBoost
18.14 672 Decision-List-Learning
19.2 681 Current-Best-Learning
19.3 683 Version-Space-Learning
19.8 696 Minimal-Consistent-Det
19.12 702 FOIL
20.21 742 Perceptron-Learning
20.25 746 Back-Prop-Learning
21.2 768 Passive-ADP-Agent
21.4 769 Passive-TD-Agent
21.8 776 Q-Learning-Agent
22.2 796 Naive-Communicating-Agent
22.7 801 Chart-Parse Chart
23.1 837 Viterbi-Segmentation viterbi_segment
24.21 892 Align