reown-com / reown-docs
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Reown Docs

This repo runs

Source can be viewed in docs directory.

Running Locally

  1. pnpm install
  2. pnpm start
  3. Open http://localhost:3000/

Adding a New Page

  1. Create a new file in docs/
  2. Configure sidebars.js to create the sidebar link.

Editing a Page

  1. Open the file in docs/

Older versions are available in versioned_docs/.

Modifying routes

Whenever a route is changed DocSearch needs to crawl the website in order to keep the search engine working properly, this is scheduled once a week, it is therefore recommended to use redirects to avoid broken links. See link.

Customize Settings & Theme

  1. Open docusaurus.config.js

Tab Components

[!IMPORTANT] While creating titles inside a tab it is recommended to use four number signs (#) to avoid overpopulating the table of content.

Platform Tabs

In your mdx file first import PlatformTabs and PlatformTabItem from docs/components/PlatformTabs and docs/components/PlatformTabItem relatively and wrap your content around them

You can find the supported platform in docs/components/PlatformTabs.js, they are grouped in an array called PLATFORM_MAP

import PlatformTabs from '../components/PlatformTabs'
import PlatformTabItem from '../components/PlatformTabItem'

<PlatformTabItem value="web">

#### Heading here

Information related to web

<PlatformTabItem value="ios">

#### Heading here

Information related to ios

<PlatformTabItem value="android">

#### Heading here

Information related to android


Custom Tabs

In your mdx file first import Tabs and TabItem and wrap your content around them

import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs'
import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem'

<TabItem value="custom-a" label="Custom A">

#### Heading here

Here you can add all the information related to Custom A

<TabItem value="custom-b" label="Custom B">

#### Heading here

Here you can add all the information related to Custom B



For more options, check the Docusaurus docs.

Archived v1.0 docs can be viewed in the v1.0 branch.