resbaz / resbaz-2016-02-01
Apache License 2.0
2 stars 15 forks source link

ResBaz-2016 Site

Welcome! This repo contains the website for the 2016 Research Bazaar festival. If you'd like to learn more about how to bring ResBaz to your town, have a look at this wiki - we'd be delighted to work with you!

Local Sites

In addition to the main page, this website also offers local listings for each site joining us for ResBaz 2016. If you want your site added, open an issue to start the process, and we'll get you set up right away.



This website is built from the Start Bootstrap Freelancer theme, on Jekyll and Bootstrap. If you'd like to build it on your local machine, do the following:

Contribution Guide

Feel free to send us a pull request, following these guidelines: