resibots / cully_2015_nature

Meta-repo for the code of Cully et. al., 2015
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Robots that can adapt like animals

WARNING This repository is for archival-purpose only. A more up-to-date implementation of IT&E as described in Cully et al., 2015 is available here:

meta-repo for code for the experiments published in Cully et al. (2015), Nature.

Full reference: Cully, Antoine, Jeff Clune, Danesh Tarapore, and Jean-Baptiste Mouret. "Robots that can adapt like animals." Nature 521, no. 7553 (2015): 503-507.

Video (click on it to play):

Robots that can adapt like animals

How to use it

How to properly clone this repo

git clone --recursive


How to easily compile everything

Important: Make sure you have installed all the dependencies of each repo. Otherwise the build will fail.

From the root of this repo run:


How to generate MAP-Elites archives

From the root of this repo run:


Typical runs take 10-15 days.

See map_elites_hexapod for more details.

How to run the ITE experiments

From the root of this repo run:

./limbo/build/exp/ITE/hexa_bomean_variant limbo/exp/ITE/archives/archive_file.dat

See ITE for more details.

How to easily clean everything

From the root of this repo run:
