resibots / dynamixel_control_hw

Hardware interface for ros_control and the Dynamixels actuators
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Hardware interface for Dynamixels and ROS control

ROS control is a framework to design software control loops in ROS (Robot Operating System) where the controller code is decoupled from the actual hardware.

This piece of software provides a hardware interface for ROS control. Its aim is to allow generic software controllers to control a set of Dynamixel actuators.

We are using it for our robots and developing it for this purpose. Version 0.1.0 is clearly no final code but it works for the regular needs.

Documentation :



We are currently working on the following features:

Installation and usage

dynamixel_control_hw depends on the libdynamixel library. Please install it, it's light and quick.

Then, you'll need to store the installation path of libdynamixel in the LIBDYNAMIXEL environment variable.

Install the ros package ros_control. In apt-get, it is called ros-YourDistro-ros-control (where YourDistro must be changed by the ROS distribution's name, like indigo or jade).

Clone the dynamixel_control_hw repository in your catkin workspace's source directory and run a catkin_make.


For sample configuration files, see the ones in config/. Here are the accepted parameters.

Testing the hardware interface

If you want to use the sample launch files or to use one of the default controllers, please install with apt-get:

Have a look at the launch/sample.launch file. It will by default launch two feed-forward only controllers (one position and one velocity) and a virtual controller that publishes the states of the two actuators.

Before starting it, check config/sample.yaml for the id parameters, the serial_interface and baudrate settings. Once you are sure that it's correct, you can roslaunch dynamixel_control_hw sample.launch. By looking at the available topics, you should find two, for the commands the joints, and one for the joint state.

Troubleshooting read time

If the reading time seems too long, check the value of the USB latency timer. On ubuntu this value is retrieved with this command cat /sys/bus/usb-serial/devices/ttyUSB0/latency_timer. It is the time, in milliseconds, for which the device driver buffers data before making it available.

You can change this timer with the command echo 4 | sudo tee /sys/bus/usb-serial/devices/ttyUSB0/latency_timer which sets it to 4 ms for the device /dev/ttyUSB0.

Alternative software

If you know of an other software offering similar functionalities to this one, feel free to open an issue so that we can add it here.

Support and contact

This software is developed as part of the ResiBots project. We do our best to keep it free of bug and to implement relevant features. Should you face an issue or have a suggestion, please open an issue.

Projects using this software


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