resilient-swarms / argos-sferes

An interface to using the ARGoS robot swarm simulator with the Sferes evolutionary algorithm framework
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An interface for using the ARGoS swarm robotics simulator with the Sferes evolutionary algorithm framework.

The argos-sferes repository has been used in the papers:

Bossens, D. M., & Tarapore, D. (2020). QED: using Quality-Environment-Diversity to evolve resilient robot swarms. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation.

NOTE: see also QED VIDEO from argos-sferes

Bossens, D. M., & Tarapore, D. (2021). Rapidly adapting robot swarms with Swarm Map-based Bayesian Optimisation. The 2021 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2021). [arXiv link at; IEEE Explore link at]

NOTE: see also SMBO VIDEO from argos-sferes

Instruction for compilation (using MAP-Elites and neural-network modules)

  1. Install ARGoS (via binary packages or source)

    Install Thymio simulation plugin for ARGoS from

  2. Download argos-sferes code

    git clone

  3. Now download the sferes2 code -- all header files, so don't need compilation (unless you want to run the sferes2 test cases).

    cd argos-sferes
    git clone 
  4. A. As nn2, map_elites and cvt_map_elites code are in header files, they don't need to be compiled -- so no need to add them to modules.conf

    cd sferes2/modules

    git clone --branch generic_print

    git clone

    git clone

B. clone limbo for bayesian optimisation (optional):

cd ../..

git clone
  1. Compilation of evolution experiments:

(a) To compile serial evolution experiments:

bash cmake_scripts/

(b) To compile parallel evolution experiments:

bash cmake_scripts/

(c) To compile evolution experiments with parallel environments:

bash cmake_scripts/
  1. To compile baseline behaviours useful for comparison on Dispersion, Aggregation, etc.:


  2. Compilation of Swarm Map-based Bayesian Optimisation (SMBO):

    bash cmake_scripts/

  3. Compilation of SMBO-Decentralised:

(a) To support heterogeneous swarms in a single run, one needs to compile a binary for printing the correct network to file:

bash cmake_scripts/

(b) To compile SMBO-Dec on a small foraging environment:

bash cmake_scripts/

(c) To compile SMBO-Dec on a larger foraging environment:

bash cmake_scripts/

(d) To compile SMBO-Dec on a larger foraging environment:

bash cmake_scripts/

(e) To compile a few binaries based on different acquisition functions and hyperparameters:

bash cmake_scripts/ ${acq} ${kern} ${alpha} ${lengthscale}

where ${acq} is the acquisition function in {0 (=UCB),1 (=UCB_LOCAL),2 (=UCB_LOCAL2),3 (=UCB_LOCAL3)}, ${kern} is the kernel in {0 (Matern52 with variable noise), 2 (Matern52)}, $alpha is the exploration exploitation parameter for UCB, and ${lengthscale} is the lengthscale of the kernel (see more info below in Compilation macros).

  1. Compile performance recording of a particular swarm:

    bash cmake_scripts/

Compilation macros for further customisation

It is best to start of with some of the above scripts and then modify their parameters for customisation. The following macros can be used for further customisation of the compilation scripts:

* `NN_INPUT_TYPE`: type of neural network control
  - 0: NN control based on proximity and RAB sensors    (all tasks except Foraging)
  - 1: NN control based on proximity and ground sensors (Foraging task)
  - 2: NN with RAB control (experimental; all tasks except Foraging)

* `BD`: integer denoting the number of dimensions in the behaviour space

* `CVT_USAGE`: whether or not to use CVT to organise behaviour space
-ON: use CVT  (for high-dimensional behaviour spaces)
-OFF: do not use CVT (for low-dimensional behaviour spaces)

* `ARGOS_PAR`: serial or parallel evolution (only for evolution, not adaptation)
  - 0: serial evolution
  - 1: parallelisation of individuals in the population of an evolutionary algorithm
  - 2: parallelisation of environments with Quality-Environment-Diversity evolution (see reference mentioned at start of README)

* `NUM_CORES`: integer denoting the number of cores (1 by default; only for evolution)

* `LARGE`: size of arena (only for Foraging task)
  - "ON": 4.2m x 2.1m Foraging arena
  - "OFF": 2.1m x 2.1m Foraging arena

* `BO_ACQ`: set the type of acquisition function in SMBO (only for adaptation)
  - 0: traditional UCB
  - 2: UCB with soft local penalisation
  - 3: UCB with hard local penalisation
  - 4: UCB with hard local penalisation and local Lipschitz constants

* `BO_KERN`: the type of kernel     (only for adaptation)
  - 0: Matern 5/2 with variable noise
  - 2: Matern 5/2 with fixed noise

* `LIMBO_ALPHA`: positive float denoting the exploration-exploitation tradeoff parameter in UCB  (only for adaptation)

* `LIMBO_L`: positive float denoting the lengthscale parameter in UCB   (only for adaptation)

Instruction for running

Evolution in the normal operating environment can be run using:

 ./bin/behaviour_evolcvt10D experiments/Gomes_walls_and_robots_std.argos

Note here the binaries are organised as "behaviour_evol"${CVT}${DIM}D" where CVT is whether or not using CVT-MAPElites or MAPElites and DIM is the dimensionality of the behavioural descriptor.

Hand-crafted behaviours can also be experimented with just to see how well evolution compares:

 ./bin/baseline_behaviour experiments/baseline-behavs.argos

Running the experiments from the QED paper (Aggregation, Dispersion, Flocking, Patrolling, Border-patrolling) can be done using the "launch" scripts:

For QED, this is:

  bash ${data_directory}

For the baseline QD-algorithms, this is:

  bash ${data_directory}

To try out an evolved solution

 ./bin/behaviour_evol2D experiments/history.argos --load <path to generation file>/gen_<number> -o <output file> -n <index of individual in MAP>

To try out Bayesian Optimisation for a homogeneous swarm, do:

 bin/ite_swarms_3D -m <data_directory> 20000 -e bin/BO3D 

Finally, to set up SMBO-Dec for Bayesian Optimisation with a heterogeneous swarm (on the Foraging tasks), the launch script may be most useful due to the many arguments:

 bash <data_directory>

A wide variety of other launch scripts can also be found in the main directory, each of them prefixed by "launch_"