An interface for using the ARGoS swarm robotics simulator with the Sferes evolutionary algorithm framework.
The argos-sferes repository has been used in the papers:
Bossens, D. M., & Tarapore, D. (2020). QED: using Quality-Environment-Diversity to evolve resilient robot swarms. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation.
NOTE: see also QED VIDEO from argos-sferes
Bossens, D. M., & Tarapore, D. (2021). Rapidly adapting robot swarms with Swarm Map-based Bayesian Optimisation. The 2021 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2021). [arXiv link at; IEEE Explore link at]
NOTE: see also SMBO VIDEO from argos-sferes
Install ARGoS (via binary packages or source)
Install Thymio simulation plugin for ARGoS from
Download argos-sferes code
git clone
Now download the sferes2 code -- all header files, so don't need compilation (unless you want to run the sferes2 test cases).
cd argos-sferes
git clone
A. As nn2, map_elites and cvt_map_elites code are in header files, they don't need to be compiled -- so no need to add them to modules.conf
cd sferes2/modules
git clone --branch generic_print
git clone
git clone
B. clone limbo for bayesian optimisation (optional):
cd ../..
git clone
(a) To compile serial evolution experiments:
bash cmake_scripts/
(b) To compile parallel evolution experiments:
bash cmake_scripts/
(c) To compile evolution experiments with parallel environments:
bash cmake_scripts/
To compile baseline behaviours useful for comparison on Dispersion, Aggregation, etc.:
Compilation of Swarm Map-based Bayesian Optimisation (SMBO):
bash cmake_scripts/
Compilation of SMBO-Decentralised:
(a) To support heterogeneous swarms in a single run, one needs to compile a binary for printing the correct network to file:
bash cmake_scripts/
(b) To compile SMBO-Dec on a small foraging environment:
bash cmake_scripts/
(c) To compile SMBO-Dec on a larger foraging environment:
bash cmake_scripts/
(d) To compile SMBO-Dec on a larger foraging environment:
bash cmake_scripts/
(e) To compile a few binaries based on different acquisition functions and hyperparameters:
bash cmake_scripts/ ${acq} ${kern} ${alpha} ${lengthscale}
where ${acq} is the acquisition function in {0 (=UCB),1 (=UCB_LOCAL),2 (=UCB_LOCAL2),3 (=UCB_LOCAL3)}, ${kern} is the kernel in {0 (Matern52 with variable noise), 2 (Matern52)}, $alpha is the exploration exploitation parameter for UCB, and ${lengthscale} is the lengthscale of the kernel (see more info below in Compilation macros).
Compile performance recording of a particular swarm:
bash cmake_scripts/
It is best to start of with some of the above scripts and then modify their parameters for customisation. The following macros can be used for further customisation of the compilation scripts:
* `NN_INPUT_TYPE`: type of neural network control
- 0: NN control based on proximity and RAB sensors (all tasks except Foraging)
- 1: NN control based on proximity and ground sensors (Foraging task)
- 2: NN with RAB control (experimental; all tasks except Foraging)
* `BD`: integer denoting the number of dimensions in the behaviour space
* `CVT_USAGE`: whether or not to use CVT to organise behaviour space
-ON: use CVT (for high-dimensional behaviour spaces)
-OFF: do not use CVT (for low-dimensional behaviour spaces)
* `ARGOS_PAR`: serial or parallel evolution (only for evolution, not adaptation)
- 0: serial evolution
- 1: parallelisation of individuals in the population of an evolutionary algorithm
- 2: parallelisation of environments with Quality-Environment-Diversity evolution (see reference mentioned at start of README)
* `NUM_CORES`: integer denoting the number of cores (1 by default; only for evolution)
* `LARGE`: size of arena (only for Foraging task)
- "ON": 4.2m x 2.1m Foraging arena
- "OFF": 2.1m x 2.1m Foraging arena
* `BO_ACQ`: set the type of acquisition function in SMBO (only for adaptation)
- 0: traditional UCB
- 2: UCB with soft local penalisation
- 3: UCB with hard local penalisation
- 4: UCB with hard local penalisation and local Lipschitz constants
* `BO_KERN`: the type of kernel (only for adaptation)
- 0: Matern 5/2 with variable noise
- 2: Matern 5/2 with fixed noise
* `LIMBO_ALPHA`: positive float denoting the exploration-exploitation tradeoff parameter in UCB (only for adaptation)
* `LIMBO_L`: positive float denoting the lengthscale parameter in UCB (only for adaptation)
Evolution in the normal operating environment can be run using:
./bin/behaviour_evolcvt10D experiments/Gomes_walls_and_robots_std.argos
Note here the binaries are organised as "behaviour_evol"${CVT}${DIM}D" where CVT is whether or not using CVT-MAPElites or MAPElites and DIM is the dimensionality of the behavioural descriptor.
Hand-crafted behaviours can also be experimented with just to see how well evolution compares:
./bin/baseline_behaviour experiments/baseline-behavs.argos
Running the experiments from the QED paper (Aggregation, Dispersion, Flocking, Patrolling, Border-patrolling) can be done using the "launch" scripts:
For QED, this is:
bash ${data_directory}
For the baseline QD-algorithms, this is:
bash ${data_directory}
To try out an evolved solution
./bin/behaviour_evol2D experiments/history.argos --load <path to generation file>/gen_<number> -o <output file> -n <index of individual in MAP>
To try out Bayesian Optimisation for a homogeneous swarm, do:
bin/ite_swarms_3D -m <data_directory> 20000 -e bin/BO3D
Finally, to set up SMBO-Dec for Bayesian Optimisation with a heterogeneous swarm (on the Foraging tasks), the launch script may be most useful due to the many arguments:
bash <data_directory>
A wide variety of other launch scripts can also be found in the main directory, each of them prefixed by "launch_"