rethinkdb / logstash-input-rethinkdb

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RethinkDB Logstash input plugin

This is a plugin for Logstash.

Currently this is BETA software. It contains some known limitations (see below)

Using the plugin

You'll need to use this with the Logstash 1.5 or higher, which you can download here.

$ bin/logstash -e '
input {rethinkdb
   {host => "localhost"
    port => 28015
    auth_key => ""
    watch_dbs => ["db1", "db2"]
    watch_tables => ["", "db2.baz"]
    backfill => true
output {stdout {codec => json_lines}}'

This will immediately watch the tables and db2.baz, and it will also watch the databases db1 and db2 for new or dropped tables and watch or unwatch those tables appropriately. Since backfill is true, it will automatically send events for the documents that already exist in those tables during initialization.

Format of the events:

The events are encoded with the "json_lines" codec, which puts compressed json documents one event per line


Known limitations

There are two limitations that should be known by anyone using this in production systems:

  1. Until RethinkDB supports resuming changefeeds, this plugin cannot guarantee that no changes are missed if a connection to the database is dropped. Again, once that functionality is implemented, this plugin will be modified to provide reliable "at least once" semantics for changes (meaning once it reconnects, it can catch back up and send any changes that it missed).
  2. Documents that are deleted in RethinkDB while the LogStash plugin is disconnected will not be synchronized. This is true even if backfill is enabled. This limitation is a consequence of LogStash operating on a document-by-document basis.


Apache 2.0