retostauffer / wetterturnier-backend

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What is "Wetterturnier"

The "Berliner Wetterturnier" as it has been known as in the beginning was launched in the year 2000 at the Institute of Meteorology at the FU Berlin. Since 2005 five cities in Central Europe are included.

Wetterturnier <>_ is a platform where hobby meteorologists, experts and statistical forecast model developer battle against each other. The goal is to predict a set of meteorological variables, such as sunshine duration, wind speed, or temperature as good as possible for the consecutive two days.

This plugin is the frontend core of the whole system providing full wordpress integration (user management, messaging services, forums) and the platform where our users can submit their forecasts/bets. Furthermore this plugin provides live ranking tables, a leader-board, a data archive, and access to a set of important data sets such as observations and forecast maps.

.. image:: images/screenshot_frontend.png :width: 800px :height: 396px :scale: 100 % :alt: Screenshot Frontend :align: center

Please note that this is only one part of the system. To get the whole system running the Wetterturnier Wordpress Plugin <>. For more information please visit the `documentation on readthedocs`.

Wetterturnier Backend

.. todo: Show how to install the python package in a virtualenv or with pip. State that the setup script already takes care of the dependencies. Remove depencency-install-code below.

This is the repository containing the backend scripts for the new wetterturnier like migration scripts and other things.

.. note:: I am using a python virtual environment. If you do so as well please keep that in mind.

Warning: there is a virtualenv in this directory. The virtualenv was build without any site packages to be sure to conserve the versions which were running/tested and to avoid auto-updates by the server OS.

Was built like this:

.. code-block:: bash

virtualenv --no-site-packages venv

.. note:: This includes that you activate the correct virtual environment, even for cronjobs. Therefore a cronjob using one of the scripts in here has to look similar to this one:

.. code-block:: bash

*/10 * * * *  cd /home/retos/WTbackend && source venv/bin/activate && timeout 900 python &> /home/retos/cronlog/Observations.log``

Installing necessary packages

If your virtualenv is activated (source venv/bin/activate) you can try to install the pywetterturnier package. This is locted within this repository in PythonPackage.

.. code-block:: bash

python install

This should automatically install all necessary dependencies for the pywetterturnier package. However, I had some troubles as a package called astral could not be installed. In this case you can easily install it manually:

.. code-block:: bash

pip install astral

Some of the major script files and what they do

The documentation is available on read the docs <>. Please visit the documentation <> where the different main scripts are ducumented in subsection getting started - The Scripts <>_.

License Information

The software in this repository is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The full :download:LICENSE file is included in the repository and/or can be found on <>_.

Code of Conduct

We care about oterhs, their attitude, and their ideology wherefore we follow the [Contributor Covenant][codhomepage] code of conduct. The full code of conduct is included in the repository. If you wanna share ideas and/or contribute to this repository please follow these rules.