retostockli / xpcockpit

XPCockpit enables Cockpit builders to easily interface X-Plane internal datarefs with external hardware and external glass cockpit screens. It is written in C/C++ and currently supports OSX and Linux.
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This is the xpcockpit Project by Reto Stockli, supported by Hans Jansen.

It enables to connect custom hardware to X-Plane by use of a C library which allows to subscribe to X-Plane datarefs and commands. The currently supported hardware is:

The project also includes the glass cockpit software xpopengc which is a further development of the OpenGC project for Boeing 737 and Airbus 320.

The project also includes a warp&blend software for directly driving the warp&blend API from the linux command line without manually adjusting control points or buying a proprietary warp&blend software.

The project consists of these components: libxpcockpit: a library containing I/O functions of all xpcockpit clients. Needs to be compiled first xpserver: the plugin to X-Plane which handles dataref/command I/O via TCP/IP xpclient: a sample client software to show how to subscribe and use datarefs xpusb: the client which interacts with OpenCockpits/Leo Bodnar's Hardware xpopengc: the glass cockpit software client that simulates B737/A320 Gauges xppi: the client which enables the Rasperry Pi GPIO usage with X-Plane xpsismo: the client which communicates to the SISMO Ethernet Modules xparduino: the client which communicates to Arduino (demo only, not operational) xpteensy: the client to the teensy microcontroller (in dvelopment) warpblend: the scripts and code to create warp&blend drivers for multiple projectors scripts: scripts I use myself to control a the cockpit components including automated install on raspberry pi's applications: application definitions for Linux so that binary files can be accessed via the Linux application menu

The project is aimed at the following crowd:


Information on compiling and installing those items are found in the respective subdirectories