retrospect-addon /

Retrospect is a Kodi video add-on which allows you to watch streams of a number of free and publicly available online TV stream sites.
GNU General Public License v3.0
105 stars 37 forks source link
addon kodi kodi-addon livestream python python3 retrospect streaming tv vod

Retrospect - Public GIT Repository

GitHub release (latest by date) GitHub Workflow Status (branch) Quality Gate Status License Python Weblate

This repository holds the main code for Retrospect. For more information on bug reporting, please visit or


Retrospect (Previously XBMC Online TV) is a Kodi video add-on which allows you to watch streams of a number of free and publicly available online TV stream sites.

It originally started the streams from which is a Dutch site. The add-on got its initial name from this site: ‘Uitzending gemist’ means ‘missed broadcast’ in Dutch.

Discussion about the add-on can be done in this thread at the Kodi forums or in this thread at (Dutch only). Issues regarding this script can be submitted at our issue tracker at GitHub.

Installing Retrospect

Starting from Kodi Leia (v18), you can easily install Retrospect from the official Kodi add-on repository. Simply use the search function in the add-ons section to find Retrospect and install it. More detailed information can be found in the Retrospect Wiki.

Note: Make sure the Auto-Update option for Retrospect is enabled to automagically receive new updates.

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Kodi Krypton

We have a -1/+1 Kodi release policy: we support the previous, the current and the future release of Kodi. So with the release of Kodi Matrix, the support for Kodi Krypton has been removed.

Automation of Retrospect

Listing of folders or playing of media can be automated for Retrospect. In order for this to work, you will need to create shortcuts for the folders and/or videos you want to automate. This can be done as follows:

Listing a folder can be done by caling the Kodi API Addons.ExecuteAddon with the given shortcut url. Media can be played using the Player.Open API.

If you were to use the Kodi JSON-RPC API (documented here) the following are your options:

  1. You could start the playback of a media file with Player.Open:
curl -X POST -H "content-type:application/json" http://<kodi-ip>:<kodi-port>/jsonrpc -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Player.Open", "params": {"item": {"file": "plugin://<shortcut-name>"}}, "id": 1}'
  1. Or open a shortcut to a folder with Addons.ExecuteAddon:
    curl -X POST -H "content-type:application/json" http://<kodi-ip>:<kodi-port>/jsonrpc -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Addons.ExecuteAddon", "params": {"addonid": "","params": {"action": "openshortcut","shortcut": "<shortcut-name>" }}, "id": 1}'**

Replace <shortcut-name>, <kodi-ip> and <kodi-port> with the correct values.


You can help develop Retrospect via our Github page and/or help translating Retrospect via the Kodi Add-on Weblate.


Visit the Troubleshooting section of the Retrospect Wiki. There you can find the most common issues and their solutions.


The first idea for Retrospect/XBMC Online TV/XOT-Uzg came from a script by BaKMaN.

Copyrights and Licenses

Retrospect is licensed under a GNU General Public License v3.0, see:

The official add-on package for Retrospect may not be distributed via other repositories than the official Kodi add-on repository.


Retrospect is not connected to or in any other way affiliated with Kodi, Team Kodi or the XBMC Foundation. Furthermore, any software, addons, or products offered by Retrospect will only receive support in its Kodi forum and Github repository.

Rules & Terms

As more and more people are starting to make channels for Retrospect, we want to lay out some rules and terms for the channels which we will host. Please stick to them before asking us to merge your work with the master branch:

  1. We, the Retrospect team, are not responsible for any content that is displayed using the Retrospect Framework.
  2. We, the Retrospect team, do not support any kind of adult content for Retrospect, nor will we host it on our servers.


The following persons have supported Retrospect by donating (the list is sorted chronologically):