revan / RU-Food-Scraper

Scrapes basic nutrition information for Rutgers menus into JSON.
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Rutgers Nutritional Information Scraper

Scrapes for menus and nutritional information, saves to file.

Official website reports wonky numbers for certain fields, so only scraping calories, serving size, and ingredients for now.


Enable indentation with the --fancy flag.

Use the --dicts flag to organize for easier random access, like so:

    'Brower Commons' : {
        'Breakfast' : [
            'CATEGORY' : [
                    'name' : 'ITEM NAME',
                    'serving' : 'SERVING SIZE',
                    'calories' : 100,
                    'ingredients' : [
        'Lunch' : {
        'Dinner' : {
        'Knight Room' : {
    'Busch Dining Hall' : {
    'Neilson Dining Hall' : {
    'Livingston Dining Commons' : {

Use without the --dicts flag to organize with arrays like the old food API does.

        'location_name' : 'LOCATION NAME'
        'meals' : [
                'meal_name' : 'MEAL NAME',
                'genres' : [
                        'genre_name' : 'CATEGORY NAME'
                        'items' : [
                                'name' : 'ITEM NAME',
                                'serving' : 'SERVING SIZE',
                                'calories' : 100,
                                'ingredients' : [


Python script requires package BeautifulSoup.