revans / Ti

A Rapid Development framework for Titanium
MIT License
88 stars 21 forks source link

= Ti

A rapid development framework for titanium.

== Requirements

== Sample App

Set an alias for titanium's command line interface to your /.bash_profile

=== OS X

alias titanium="$HOME/Library/Application\ Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx//"

=== Linux

alias titanium=$HOME/.titanium/mobilesdk/linux//

Install the gem

gem install ti

Create a new Project

ti new HelloTi com.yourdomain.helloti iphone

Create your views

ti s window Sample main ti s window Settings main

Update your app/ to define the newly created Views

HelloTi = Views: Sample: {} Settings: {}

Update your app/hello_ti/stylesheets/app.sass to include the generated sass

@import 'sample' @import 'settings'

Run it using rake


Or run it using ti

ti compile all && ti build iphone

You can now start adding components. Enjoy!

== Contributing to Ti

== Contributions

== Copyright

Copyright (c) 2011 Code Wranglers Inc, Robert R Evans. See LICENSE.txt for further details.