rex009x / us_birth_rates

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From Trends to Truth: A Comprehensive Analysis Revealing Contributing Factors Behind Declining US Birth Rates.


This code is used to produce a paper aimed to reproduce figures from Kearney, Levine, and Pardue (2022) article "The Puzzle of Falling US Birth Rates since the Great Recession".

File Structure

The repo is structured as:

Data is acquired from the replication package of "The Puzzle of Falling US Birth Rates since the Great Recession" by Kearney, Levine, and Pardue (2022). Data is sourced from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Cancer Institute, Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences, National Bureau of Economic Research, National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), and CDC SEER.

Statement on LLM usage

ChatGPT was used to aid in the process of reproducing the target figures. Given code snippets and points of difficulty, ChatGPT prompted troubleshooting and modification instructions. Its usage and chat history is available in other/llm/usage.txt.