rfcx / arbimon-legacy

Apache License 2.0
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Arbimon Legacy

The legacy components of Arbimon.

Release Notes | Deployment Notes

Getting started

Local Dev Setup (recommended)

The recommended dev setup is to use docker-compose to start your database, redis and storage. By default, docker-compose will create and seed a new database using the migrations and seeds in db/init (submodule).

  1. Make sure you've got Node installed (or nvm use).

  2. Install the dependencies

    npm i
  3. Run the containers (database and redis) in the background.

    docker compose up -d mysql redis
  4. Configure Auth0 by copying config/auth0_backend.json to config/auth0_backend.local.json and setting the client id and secret, and by copying config/auth0.json to config/auth0.local.json and setting the client id. (Obtain these secrets from another developer.)

  5. Start your dev environment

    npm run dev
  6. Open browser at http://localhost:3000/project/balbina/audiodata/sites or http://localhost:3000/project/noise-puerto-rico/audiodata/sites or http://localhost:3000/project/taganrog-bay/audiodata/sites

TODO: Add arbimon-store and test with S3 mocking.

Local Dev Setup with 100% Docker (cause you don't want to install anything)

An alternative dev setup is to use docker-compose to create your web container along with your database, redis, storage.

  1. Build the docker image

    docker build -t arbimon --target=arbimon -f build/Dockerfile .

    Note: on Apple silicon, you might need docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 -t arbimon --target=arbimon -f build/Dockerfile ..

  2. Run the containers (web, database and redis)

    docker compose up

    (To stop the server, press Ctrl-C.)

  3. After the app container is running, open your browser at http://localhost:3000/project/balbina/audiodata/sites or http://localhost:3000/project/noise-puerto-rico/audiodata/sites or http://localhost:3000/project/taganrog-bay/audiodata/sites

TODO: Make the live reload work under docker.

Alternative Local Dev Setup (no docker, not recommended)

If you use Windows it's recommended to use WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install-win10. Ubuntu 18.04 is recommended.

  1. Clone Repo

    Clone this repository into a suitable location. If on linux or Mac this could be a directory in the home directory, on Windows with WSL it is often good to use /mnt/c/Users/YourUserName/ as this is a shared folder between the Windows and WSL systems.

  2. Install Dependencies

    App requires https://nodejs.org/ to be installed (currently version 16). If you use nvm tool, you can run nvm use to switch node to required version (uses .nvmrc file).

    Install node modules:

    npm i

    App requires https://bower.io/ to be installed. To install using npm: npm install bower --global.

    Then install client-side dependencies:

    bower i

    Build client-side part:

    npm run build
  3. Add config Files

    • Clone config/db.json to config/db.local.json and fill it with required values
    • Clone config/aws.json to config/aws.local.json and fill it with required values
    • Clone config/aws-rfcx.json to config/aws-rfcx.local.json and fill it with required values
    • Clone config/mandrill-key.json to config/mandrill-key.local.json and fill it with required values
    • Clone config/auth0.json to config/auth0.local.json and fill it with required values
    • Clone config/auth0-backend.json to config/auth0-backend.local.json and fill it with required values
    • Clone config/rfcx.json to config/rfcx.local.json and fill it with required values

    :exclamation: You must not change any original config file (like db.json, aws.json or aws-rfcx.json) to avoid commiting secrets to repository.

  4. Setup SSH Tunnel to SQL Database

    Get ssh pem file (arbimon2-bastion.pem) from Admin or Team lead and put it into ~/.ssh folder

    Change file permissions if needed:

    chmod 400 ~/.ssh/arbimon2-bastion.pem

    Run the following command in a separate terminal tab:

    ssh -N -L 3306:arbimon-dev-cluster.cluster-ctjyvabp9jnq.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com:3306 ec2-user@ -i ~/.ssh/arbimon2-bastion.pem

    If you already have another database running at 3306 port, you will need to run the above command with a different local port like:

    ssh -N -L 3307:arbimon-dev-cluster.cluster-ctjyvabp9jnq.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com:3306 ec2-user@ -i ~/.ssh/arbimon2-bastion.pem

    [optional] Check database connection with MySQL Workbench (or other DB administration tool)

  5. Run Development Server

    npm run dev
  6. Open app in browser at http://localhost:3000 or at url which you can set in hosts file (check below).




The yaml configuration files are in build/[environment].

TODO: How do services get deployed? How do we change configuration? How do we manually deploy to testing namespace?

Deployment to staging or production on AWS (sieve-analytics account)

  1. SSH into the Bastion tunnel server
    ssh ec2-user@ -i ~/.ssh/arbimon2-bastion.pem
  2. From inside the Bastion server, SSH into dev/prod server

    for arbimon-dev.sieve-analytics.com

    • ssh -i ~/.ssh/arbimon2-app.pem ubuntu@{{Private IPv4 addresses}} for arbimon.sieve-analytics.com. Copy IPv4 address from web instance on this page
    • Both these connections are defined in the .bashrc file and rely on the same .ssh/arbimon2-app.pem key.
  3. Change to app directory
    cd apps/arbimon2
  4. Pull the latest changes from git

    git fetch -p
    git pull origin develop/master
  5. Perform any dependency installs and rebuild the source code (same as local install)
    npm i


    bower i

    Build css

    npm run build
  6. Restart the web server/app Perform restart
    pm2 restart 0 --time

    Check that the arbimon2 process is running

    pm2 list

Additional steps for production (to support auto-scaling of the frontend)

  1. In the EC2 console, create an image of the current web instance.

    • Name: arbimon-web-2020-09-09
    • No reboot: true


  2. After the image is created, open "Auto scaling" -> "Launch configurations". Find the last launch configuration and make a copy ("Actions" -> "Copy launch configuration").


  3. Choose the AMI that was created in step 6 and create the launch configuration.

    • Name: arbimon-web-2020-09-09
    • AMI: arbimon-web-2020-09-09
    • Select: "I acknowledge that I have access to the selected private key..."
    • (everything else the same)
  4. Open "Auto scaling groups", and edit the arbimon group. Select the newly created launch configuration and then "Update".

    • Launch configuration: arbimon-web-2020-09-09


  5. If there were more than 1 EC2 instances before deployment, terminate rest instances (but not the one that was used for image creation). production-deployment-4



All configuration is stored in config/ as json files. The files stored in git are a template or the defaults for the configuration. For local development, create xyz.local.json which will overide xyz.json.

Configuration can also be passed in as environment variables and will override the values specified in xyz.local.json and xyz.json. The format of each environment variable is FILENAME_KEY (filename + '_' + key + convert to uppercase).

Take the example db.json, which contains json keys for host, database, password:

    "host": "db.arb.rfcx.org",
    "user": "super",
    "password": "secret",

The equivalent environment variables are:


Database migrations

Create an SQL file in db/init starting with an incremented number -- see 001-example-migrations.sql for an example. Migrations may contain SQL statements to modify the data.

Periodically merge all the migrations into a single file 000-base-tables.sql.

Database seeds

The seed files in db/init are separated into reference data, species data and test data. The seed files must be kept up-to-date with any migrations that are added because they are always run after all the migrations (in docker-compose local environment).


Some parts of the Node.js app call Python. For this to work locally, you will need Python 2.7 and to (pip) install the dependencies from requirements.txt. The following script might be useful. TODO: complete the docs

    cd ~/apps/arbimon2
    sudo apt install virtualenv
    sudo apt-get install python-dev
    sudo apt-get install pkg-config libpng-dev libfreetype6-dev
    sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev
    virtualenv .env
    . .env/bin/activate
    pip install numpy
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    echo `realpath lib` > .env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/arbimon-server-libs.pth