rfcx / arbimon-uploader

Desktop application for ingesting audio to RFCx platform
Apache License 2.0
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Arbimon Uploader (previously RFCx Ingest App)

Desktop application for ingesting audio to Arbimon

Getting started


Additional requirements for Windows

Start development environment

  1. Install dependencies

    npm install

    Then, rebuild non-native modules for current OS platform with

    npm run postinstall
  2. Start the electron browser/app with hot reload (auto restarts app on file changes)

    npm run dev

    If you need to set your own URL to API use (TODO: fix this as it might not work for now!)

    npm run dev --url=`http://localhost:3030`


The project has a Github Action workflow, which will start building and releasing the app automatically on push to master branch. 🦾

Check the script in .github/workflows/electron.yml to see how it works.

Manually build a notarized version of the app on Mac

  1. Get a certificate (.pem) with the password (.p12) from DevOps or Team Lead. Check the certificate in the Keychain: Developer ID Application: Rainforest Connection with the private key. (see the example: https://help.apple.com/xcode/mac/current/#/dev97211aeac).

  2. Also, Get an API Key (.p8) with API Key ID and API Key ISSUER ID from DevOps or Team Lead, or generate a new one at https://appstoreconnect.apple.com/access/api. The name of the p8 file should be AuthKey_<api_key_id>.p8

  3. Put the API Key (.p8) into one of these directory in your local development machine.

    • ./private_keys
    • ~/private_keys
    • ~/.private_keys
    • ~/.appstoreconnect/private_keys Based on the API Key ID, altool will look in the above places for the API Key file.
  4. Add the following to the .env file: APPLE_API_KEY_ID=API Key ID APPLE_API_KEY_ISSUER_ID=API Key Issuer ID

  5. In the package.json add the following under build option (electron-builder config)

    build: {
        "afterSign": "./after-sign-hook.js",
  6. Use npm run build command for building the app. (The after-sign-hook.js will do its job, to notarize the app for you with the configuaration above)

Manually build the app on Windows

  1. Get a certificate with the password from DevOps or Team Lead. Add the following to the .env file: CSC_LINK=your windows pfx file content (base64 encoded of the pfx file) CSC_KEY_PASSWORD=your windows pfx file password
  2. Paste static files from the previous build into ./node-server/public. After every build, we should put 4 files with the last version in the folder: ./node-server/public and includes following files: RELEASES, .exe, *-delta.nupkg and -full.nupkg (If a new version of the app v1.1.1 you should put v1.1.0 to the folder).
  3. Run npm run start in ./node-server to start serving those static files from the previous build.
  4. Change the remote releases url to be your local server in the package.json file:
    “squirrelWindows”: {
        “remoteReleases”: “http://localhost:5000/public”
  5. Use npm run build command for building the app in another terminal.
  6. After building we you see two folders for windows in the ./app/build folder:
    • squirrel windows
    • squirrel-windows-ia32 These folders keep a new release for WinX64 and WinX86.
  7. Upload assets for releases from squirrel windows folder to the GitHub: RELEASES, .exe, *-delta.nupkg and -full.nupkg.


Lint all JS/Vue component files in src/

npm run lint

Generate test files

This script will convert the audio files recorded by the guardian into AudioMoth file type. It will add deployment_id along with other metadata into the header of the files.

  1. Grab these original files:
  2. Run the script from test/convert_guardian_to_audiomoth.sh to generate test files
    chmod +x convert_guardian_to_audiomoth.sh 
    ./convert_guardian_to_audiomoth.sh [folder_name_of_original_files] [deployment_id]

Project structure

In electron, there are 2 processes: main & renderer. Both processes are stored in src folder.

Renderer process

With electron-vue, we are using vue components to make our large complex applications more organization. Each component has the ability to encapsulate its own CSS, template, and JavaScript functionality. Components are stored in src/renderer/components.

Main process

src/main/index.js file is the app’s main file, the file in which electron boots with.