rfcx / arbimon

Ecoacoustic analysis platform empowering conservationists to analyze acoustic data and to derive insights about the ecosystem at scale
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Insights - display unknown species in a different way #1839

Closed naluinui closed 5 months ago

naluinui commented 6 months ago


Original from https://rfcx.slack.com/archives/C02DJUZLNCE/p1711723120125409 @krisharmon

Stumbled across sp1 in Insights. Have we always included unknowns? Seems a bit funky, but maybe there are legit reasons why it makes sense to? The project in question is here.

The question is really around whether or not unknown species should or should not be displayed on the Insights page. If we think they should, my next question is if it makes sense to treat them differently in some way. Just wondering out loud, not sure if this has been discussed and decided previously.

Image Image

Expect result

carlybatist commented 6 months ago

Plan: Hide sp1-sp50 from Insights pages @naluinui

naluinui commented 6 months ago

There are 473 species used across 122 projects (37 published, 61 listed, 17 unlisted, 7 hidden)

Breakdown of effected projects

count slug
1 1485-juliana-project
1 1662-aya-project
3 a2-workshop
38 acoustic-community-phenology-in-colombian-andes
2 actividad-ac-stica-anuros
1 african-parks-australia-testing
1 aguas-de-santa-barbarba
1 amphibians-peccary-wallows
1 andean-soundscape
2 anh-putumayo
1 apuane-howlscape
1 asri-bioaccoustic-trial-for-survey
1 audiomoth-rnnes
1 audiomoth-tests-xuleta
1 bacalar
2 bachelorarbeit
36 bci-panama-2018
2 bestaeuber
4 bioacustica-anuros-tena
1 biosoundscape
3 biosoundscape-urban
1 bompu-pilot
2 canande-rfcx-fundaci-n-jocotoco
1 cenicana-humboldt
1 cervus-elaphus-corsicanus
1 chainsaw-project-koronia
1 chirimoya
8 coal-road-hutan-harapan-p4f
44 comoros-birds
1 congo-chainsaw-project
1 congo-data
25 corredor-jaguar
1 cws-india-elephants
1 dcase-2023
1 deep-project-sumatra
1 destinos-awake
1 detection-of-the-tokay-gecko-in-martinique
1 Drakensberg
1 dunbar
1 eij-in-eastern-north-carolina
1 essai1
1 explosive-anuran-breeding-in-french-guiana
1 Faunal-Response-Fire-Amazon
1 freq-entaci-pnsll
1 fundaci-n-jocotoco-sigchos
1 greece-aoos-gorge
6 gryllotalpa-marismortui
1 hoverfliestest
2 hulu-batang-hari-sumatra
1 iesa-phj-lbb-honduras
37 ivohibory-forest
1 jama-coaque-reserve-ecuador-caip
1 jgi-rfcx-gombe-tz
2 joeri-s-project
1 kenya-trees-forest-gardens
2 kinabatangan-malaysia-sabah
25 la-estrella
9 lima-bats
2 madagascar-lemur-data
1 mdd-bats
3 monitoreo-acustico-uraba
1 monte-arcosu-wwf
5 mount-kenya-landscape
1 my-first-project
1 nogomonitortest
7 ocean-soundscapes
3 ondas-marine-communities-of-central-america
4 padr-es-de-biodiversidade-na-mata-atl-ntica
2 paisagem-ac-stica-pnmni
2 paisaje-marino-1-0
1 perm-stations
2 peruvian-tern-and-rn-paracas-soundscape
1 piha-1
5 pipeline-and-gamboa-roads-2022
3 pnc-putumayo
2 PozoNancy
1 project-kalamies
2 proyecto-farallones-2021-2022
1 pruebaarbimon
2 prueba-ranas-de-madre-de-dios
1 puerto-rico-island-wide
2 red-squirrel-monitoring
1 reed-sounds-of-lake-neusiedl
23 rewilding-madagascar
1 rfcx-external-templates
1 rfcx-guardians-madre-de-dios-peru
1 rhodope-project
1 romania-carpathia-mossy-earth-guardians
1 sandybar
1 santa-barbara
2 serc-river-herring
5 shiripuno-march-2023-weeks-expedition
1 skripsweet-tata
3 smithsonian-wandari-project
1 soundscape-mata-choupal
43 soundscape-of-deforestation
3 sounds-of-atlantic-forest
2 sunyesf-scorecard-test
1 sustainable-cattle-ranching-in-colombia
1 temb-reserve-brazil-guardians
1 temb-reserve-brazil-species
2 test-arbimon-safari
1 teste-1
1 teste_fibria
1 testingsg
1 test-me
2 tfm-acustica
2 the-amphibians-of-rio-muni-equatorial-guinea
1 trabajo-de-grado
4 tricolored-blackbird-breeding-phenology
1 uganda-bwindi
3 ukan-pond-project
1 upeace-acoustic-monitoring
3 usfws-carite-warbler
1 usfws-puerto-rican-parrot-rio-abajo
1 volcanoes-national-park-rwanda-and-surroundings
1 vozes-da-conserva-o-aves-amea-adas-do-cear
1 watchout-kopacki-rit-nature-park-croatia
1 wild-bees
1 wildbees
3 wwf-peru
1 yosemite-toad
naluinui commented 6 months ago

Instead of hiding those species from the Insights. Can we just clear all the auto generate data for sp1-sp50 to be similar to this?

Image Screenshot from https://arbimon.org/p/tricolored-blackbird-breeding-phenology/insights/spotlight/sp22?guest=1

This will only take us less than 30 mins to clear those auto generated data from the database VS at least 2 days or a whole sprint of work to hide those species from the Insights.

carlybatist commented 6 months ago

I'm fine with your solution here @naluinui

naluinui commented 6 months ago

ok then. I think we can get it in this sprint.

grindarius commented 6 months ago

@carlybatist will these list continue to grow in the future? like could there be plan to add sp51 in in the future?

grindarius commented 6 months ago

From this SQL

    taxon_species.slug as slug
from taxon_species_wiki 
right join taxon_species on taxon_species_wiki.taxon_species_id = taxon_species.id
where taxon_species.slug ~ '^sp[0-9]+$';

Only sp1 to sp7 that have the value, I will be resetting it on testing env to try it.

naluinui commented 6 months ago

@grindarius I don't think we'll be adding more of these species in the future. Yes just resetting description for 7 of those species is fine for now. Thanks

grindarius commented 6 months ago

I will work on some fix on the daily sync script so that these species does not occur again using a regexp match on the script side, I think I won't be doing any regexp matches on the database side because it looks to be expensive where we can have expensive logic in javascript.

The regex101 link if you want to see it https://regex101.com/r/tsc0pT/1

grindarius commented 6 months ago

I have checked inside the database and found that the sp based species is still being synced over because the regexp contains a g flag. I have removed it and also cleared all wiki related data out of all 3 databases.

koonchaya commented 6 months ago

Staging result


grindarius commented 6 months ago

@koonchaya I will keep an eye on staging daily sync and will report back whether the script ignores these sp species correctly or not.