rfcx / arbimon

Ecoacoustic analysis platform empowering conservationists to analyze acoustic data and to derive insights about the ecosystem at scale
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Species should not show on Insights when there is no species detection in the project #2053

Closed koonchaya closed 1 week ago

koonchaya commented 1 week ago

Original post: https://rfcx.slack.com/archives/C03FD1WD02J/p1718645778204739

Project: https://arbimon.org/p/tnc-rfcx-biodiversity-in-parque-nacional-braulio-carrillo-and-la-selva-oet/insights/spotlight/micrastur-semitorquatus

Micrastur semitorquatus shows in Insights, but there are not recordings with it validated (see attached screenshot). Therefore, the species should be removed from Insights.



rassokhina-e commented 1 week ago

The site related to the original recording where was validated Micrastur semitorquatus species was moved to another project Monitoreo bioacustico en ITAIPU BINACIONAL_BMAP . The project was updated in the site , but recordings validations not, because it was at the start of this year, we implemented removing the validations when the user moves site to another project later.

I removed the validation, so we just have to wait 5 mins of incremental sync and recheck it on the bio side @koonchaya

koonchaya commented 1 week ago
