rgarner / cma-tna-crawlers

Scraping old cases from TNA for CMA, no TLAs.
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CMA TNA Crawlers

This repo crawls The National Archives (hereafter TNA) for these closed sites:

  1. Competition Commission (hereafter CC)
  2. Office of Fair Trading (hereafter OFT)


This solution is part crawler, part CSV-based. We get occasional spreadsheets from CMA as .xslx files. These are exported as CSV and placed in ./sheets.

The crawlers should be run first, followed by augment_from_sheet, then any body generators.

There are executable scripts in bin that will run the crawlers. By default, cases will be saved to a dir _output relative to whatever dir you run them from. For example, running


...from here will produce an _output directory with one JSON file per case and one directory named for the case containing any PDFs associated with that case.

The crawlers are whitelist crawlers - they only follow links we say are of interest via Anemone's focus_crawl. In the case of both CC and OFT sites we can tell for any URL in the page what type of thing it will link to, and that makes the crawl time significantly quicker - we can tell whether to follow an href without having to dereference it. The downside is some fairly funky regular expressions in each Crawler class. Sorry about that, clarity fans.


Crawls the CC site. It collates body copy from different pages into a markup_sections hash. When finished, you should run generate_cc_bodies.


Crawls the mergers for years from the start URLs in CMA::OFT::Mergers::Crawler.

For newer cases (2010-2014)

it creates JSON files with summaries and links to the PDF assets describing the decisions. No body is created.

For older cases (2002-2009)

it collates markup sections describing the decisions in a similar manner to the CC crawler. We will need a body generator for these mergers, so we'll need to come up with some rules.


Crawls competition/cartels, markets and consumer enforcement cases. Note that we will need to remove markets from this and put them in their own crawler, as only 14 closed markets cases will go over.


Adds to output from crawl_current by looking at the completed pages. Some cases exist on these pages that aren't listed in the year case lists at crawl_oft_current.

Body generators


Generates summary and body for each piece of CC json from collated markup sections according to some formatting rules.



Current status

For current status of work, please check the Issues.