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Error : uninitialized virtual interface object in rggen_ral_backdoor_pkg #9

Closed Tejoyadav closed 10 months ago

Tejoyadav commented 10 months ago

Hi, I'm using the rggen generated models for our design and verification.

And I'm using AXI interface, for which I'm using AXI VIP for verification. when I'm trying to start uvm_reg_access_seq I'm getting the following error. image

the corresponding line is: image

Please help me in solving this issue..


Regards, Tejoyadav

taichi-ishitani commented 10 months ago

Is this error happened on your TB?

taichi-ishitani commented 10 months ago

The uvm_reg_access_seq is using the backdoor access feature. Please see the wiki document below to enable the backdoor access feature. https://github.com/rggen/rggen/wiki/Use-Generated-RTL-Modules-and-RAL-Models#backdoor-access

Tejoyadav commented 10 months ago

Yeah, I have referred this, I already given +define+RGGEN_ENABLE_BACKDOOR in run command and also set my hdl path

taichi-ishitani commented 10 months ago

You need to check the given HDL path is correct or not at first. To do this, set a breakpoint to the code below and check whether or not the path variable is showing correct HDL path. https://github.com/rggen/rggen-sv-ral/blob/727da7c095f380a46dfc9d14a171ed6d1d2383e1/rggen_ral_backdoor_pkg.sv#L69

Tejoyadav commented 10 months ago

yeah I displayed the path variable, using $display it is showing: test_top.DUT.csr_inst.lpddr5mc_reg_file_inst.g_addr_map_1.u_register.u_register_common.u_backdoor

taichi-ishitani commented 10 months ago

Is there an instnce of the rggen_backdoor module on this path? https://github.com/rggen/rggen-sv-rtl/blob/master/rggen_backdoor.sv

Tejoyadav commented 10 months ago

Don't know exactly, untill this point "test_top.DUT.csr_inst.lpddr5mc_reg_file_inst" I'm setting through the hdl_path setting, rest is getting added by the tool itself.

taichi-ishitani commented 10 months ago

Can you share your compile log file?

Tejoyadav commented 10 months ago

It's in company server, it is not possible to share the file. But, I can share the screenshots of the instances you want.

taichi-ishitani commented 10 months ago

Ok, I understand. I think you're using VCS. Which compile flow are you using? 2 step flow or 3 step flow?

Tejoyadav commented 10 months ago

2 step flow

taichi-ishitani commented 10 months ago

Did you define the RGGEN_ENABLE_BACKDOOR macro by using +define+ compile switch?

Tejoyadav commented 10 months ago

Yeah, I did image

taichi-ishitani commented 10 months ago

Are generated RTL modules also compiled by this command?

Tejoyadav commented 10 months ago

yes, they are

taichi-ishitani commented 10 months ago

I cannot find any problem on your compile command for now.

The VIF is given from an instance of the rggen_backdoor module. I think this module is not instantiated on the above HDL path so this error is happened. I'd like you to dump wave file and check the module is instantiated on the path.

taichi-ishitani commented 10 months ago

Can you tell me revison hash of rggen-sv-ral which you're using?

Tejoyadav commented 10 months ago

Currently I don't have, I'm just using the copied version from my peer. I can tell you that by tomorrow.

taichi-ishitani commented 10 months ago

I think you change the rggen_ral_backdoor_pkg.sv file. Can you provide the file which you change?

Tejoyadav commented 10 months ago

image image image image

Tejoyadav commented 10 months ago

image This is how I'm setting the hdl path. Is this way is correct or should I use add_hdl_path_slice method.

taichi-ishitani commented 10 months ago

Is this way is correct or should I use add_hdl_path_slice method.

Yes, this is correct way.

taichi-ishitani commented 10 months ago

The VIF is given from an instance of the rggen_backdoor module. I think this module is not instantiated on the above HDL path so this error is happened. I'd like you to dump wave file and check the module is instantiated on the path.

How about this?

Tejoyadav commented 10 months ago

The VIF is given from an instance of the rggen_backdoor module. I think this module is not instantiated on the above HDL path so this error is happened. I'd like you to dump wave file and check the module is instantiated on the path.

How about this?

image u_backddor is the instance of that rggen_backdoor module

Tejoyadav commented 10 months ago

Can you tell me revison hash of rggen-sv-ral which you're using?


taichi-ishitani commented 10 months ago

Module instances are OK.

taichi-ishitani commented 10 months ago


Is this valid path to the generated CSR module?

Tejoyadav commented 10 months ago

yeah, it is working fine when I'm starting uvm_reg_hw_reset_seq

taichi-ishitani commented 10 months ago

uvm_reg_hw_reset_seq does not use backdoor access so this error is not happened. You can copy the HDL path from DVE's Hierarchy window. image

I'd like you to compare the HDL path which you specified and path copied from the Hierarchy window.

Tejoyadav commented 10 months ago


taichi-ishitani commented 10 months ago

HDL path is OK.

taichi-ishitani commented 10 months ago

I have not use the generated CSR modules and RAL models with VCS's partition compile feature so I'm not sure this combination works fine. Can you remove option switches related to partition compile and try again?

Tejoyadav commented 10 months ago

I have not use the generated CSR modules and RAL models with VCS's partition compile feature so I'm not sure this combination works fine. Can you remove option switches related to partition compile and try again?

I tried by removing partcomp switch, still it is giving the same error.

taichi-ishitani commented 10 months ago


Can you put a breakpoint to the above line and check whether or not the vif variable is empty?

taichi-ishitani commented 10 months ago

Did you change the rggen_backdoor.sv file? https://github.com/rggen/rggen-sv-rtl/blob/master/rggen_backdoor.sv

If yes, can you provide your changed one?

Tejoyadav commented 10 months ago

image I tried this way, but only the first display is getting printed.

taichi-ishitani commented 10 months ago

can you change this line $display(vif[hdl_path]); like below and try again?

foreach (vif[i]) begin
  $display("hdl path: %s", i);
Tejoyadav commented 10 months ago

image This display statements I'm getting, for all the registers.

taichi-ishitani commented 10 months ago

thanks, I understand the reason. Can you change the HDL path given to the set_hdl_path_root method to small case?

Tejoyadav commented 10 months ago

yeah, that issue got resolved.


One more thing I want to confirm, image this uvm_info is getting printed for every register. Is this fine or I will get any info statements telling that "read and mirrored values are matched" ?

Also, pls tell why that upper case name is creating issue..

taichi-ishitani commented 10 months ago

Is this fine or I will get any info statements telling that "read and mirrored values are matched" ?

Yes, it's fine. This message notifies a verification sequence is starting.

Also, pls tell why that upper case name is creating issue..

The HDL path to the instance of rggen_backdoor module is used as an access key to the VIF. The given HDL path is normalized and changed to lower case when storing the VIF. https://github.com/rggen/rggen-sv-rtl/blob/b3fcdd239d556fb99b86c0a0133f30e85809be61/rggen_backdoor_pkg.sv#L48 Therefore, you need to give lower case name to the set_hdl_path_root method.