WebRTC screen sharing project. It supports Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Android, and Microsoft Edge. Platforms: Linux, Mac and Windows.
Install following apps on your server:
Last version of Node.js https://nodejs.org/en/
Last version of Coturn server (STUN & TRUN server) https://meetrix.io/blog/webrtc/coturn/installation.html
note: You can also use free STUN servers but in many cases, it causes the viewer cannot display streamed data because of routing problems.
Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/rghale/webrtc-screen-share.git
Install Node modules
cd webrtc-screen-share
npm install
Set your desired port, Kurento server IP and certificates in ./server.js as following:
const httpPort = 3000; //your desired port
const kurentoIP = ''; //if using kurento specify IP address here
const kurentoPort = 8888; //if using kurento specify port number here
const server = https.createServer({
key: fs.readFileSync('./certs/key.pem'),
cert: fs.readFileSync('./certs/cert.pem'),
passphrase: 'your certificate passphrase'
}, app);
Copy user SSL certificates in ./certs as following:
Set you STUN server in ./public/presenter.htm and ./public/viewer.htm as following:
var presenterObj = new presenter({
iceServers: [
{ urls:"stun:stun_server_pubic_ip:stun_server_port"},
var viewerObj = new viewer({
iceServers: [
{ urls:"stun:stun_server_pubic_ip:stun_server_port"},
Start Node.js server using pm2 as following
pm2 start server.js
Now you can browse prenseter.htm & viewer.htm as following:
iceServers: list of STUN or TURN servers
{urls: "stun:stun_server1_pubic_ip: stun_server1_port"},
{urls: "trun:trun_server2_pubic_ip: stun_server2_port", credential: "your credential", username: "user user name"}
start screen sharing
mechanism: mechanism of sharing
* distributed
* peer
* streamserver
maxFrameRate: maximum frame rate (number 1 .. 30)
screenSize: size of shared stream screen (ex: 800*600, 1360*768)
microphone: audio state
* muted
* unmuted
startEvent: the event that raises when sharing start
stopEvent: the event that raises when sharing stop
failedEvent: the event that raises when sharing failed
stop screen sharing
stopEvent: the event that raises when sharing stop
set sharing options
microphone: audio state
* muted
* unmuted
This is an event, and raises when any status of sharing status is changed
player: video play object
iceServers: list of STUN or TURN servers
{urls: "stun:stun_server1_pubic_ip: stun_server1_port"},
{urls: "trun:trun_server2_pubic_ip: stun_server2_port", credential: "your credential", username: "user user name"}
This is an event, and raises when any status of sharing status is changed.