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ttn-otaa with Wireless Stick not working #6

Closed Bravd42 closed 4 years ago

Bravd42 commented 4 years ago


thank you for your simple to use library. I'm using it with my Heltec Ẁifi Lora 32 v2. And it works like a charm. But using it with my Heltec Wireless Stick is not possible. My gateway occasionally receives a Packet but the node is not able to join.

I tried the ports as mentioned in your example:

// wireless stick pinout

define UNUSED_PIN 0xFF

define SS 18

define RST_LoRa 14

define DIO0 26

define DIO1 33

define DIO2 32

... ttn.begin(SS, UNUSED_PIN, RST_LoRa, DIO0,DIO1,DIO2);

and looking at the pinout sheet from Hetec, I also tried

define DIO1 35

define DIO2 34

but no dice.

Why mustend I provide MISO and MOSI as well? Or am I missing something.

Best Regards, Bravd

rgot-org commented 4 years ago

Hello Bravd, thank you for your support. with my wireless stick it works like charm to. is you wireless stick on the good frequency ? Please can you send me your code so i can try ? Best regards Francois

Bravd42 commented 4 years ago


thanks for the fast reply.

I ordered a secound device. Turns out the first one has a faulty RF unit. So no issue with your code.

Just one question: Why do the DIO1 and DIO2 pins in your example don't match the pinout diagram?

Thank you so much for your lib. I finally found a LoRa device and proper ttn support witch fits all my needs.

Regards, Bravd