rgot-org / TheThingsNetwork_esp32

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This repository is archived. Please use EzLoRaWAN for now. The new library can use SX127X and SX126X chips.

API Reference

The TTN_esp32 class enables ESP32 devices with supported LoRaWAN modules to communicate via The Things Network. This library is a wrapper for MCCI-Catena/arduino-lmic library. the pre-integrated boards are the same as mcci-catena library plus :

Class: TTN_esp32

Include and instantiate the TTN_esp32 class. The constructor initialize the library with the Streams it should communicate with.

#include <TTN_esp32.h>

TTN_esp32 ttn;

Method: begin

Start the LMIC stack with Pre-integrated boards (see https://github.com/mcci-catena/arduino-lmic#pre-integrated-boards)

Following boards are tested :

void begin();

Initialize the stack with pointer to pin mapping (see https://github.com/mcci-catena/arduino-lmic#pin-mapping)

bool begin(const TTN_esp32_LMIC::HalPinmap_t* pPinmap);

Initialize the LMIC stack with pinout as arguments

void begin(uint8_t nss, uint8_t rxtx, uint8_t rst, uint8_t dio0, uint8_t dio1, uint8_t dio2);


// wireless stick pinout
#define UNUSED_PIN 0xFF
#define SS 18
#define RST_LoRa 14
#define DIO0 26
#define DIO1 35
#define DIO2 34
ttn.begin(SS, UNUSED_PIN, RST_LoRa, DIO0,DIO1,DIO2);

Method: getAppEui

Gets the provisioned AppEUI. The AppEUI is set using provision() or join().

size_t getAppEui(char *buffer, size_t size);

return AppEui as an array of char

String getAppEui();

return AppEui as String

Method: getDevEui

Gets the provisioned DevEUI. The DevEUI is set using provision() or join().

size_t getDevEui(char *buffer, size_t size, bool hardwareEUI=false);

return DevEUI as array of char

String getDevEui(bool hardwareEui=false);

return DevEUI as String

Method: isJoined

Check whether we have joined TTN

 bool isJoined();

return true if joined to TTN, false if not.

Method: showStatus

Writes information about the device and LoRa module to Serial .

void showStatus();

Will write something like:

Device EUI: 004D22F44E5DCE53
Application EUI: 70B3D57ED0015575
netid: 13
devaddr: 26011B24
NwkSKey: 6A2D3C24AD3C0D17614D7325BCAA976
AppSKey: 9E68DCBEBF8AE9D891252FB7E6054
data rate: 5
tx power: 14dB
freq: 867100000Hz

Method: onMessage

Sets a function which will be called to process incoming messages. You'll want to do this in your setup() function and then define a void (*cb)(const byte* payload, size_t length, port_t port) function somewhere else in your sketch.

void onMessage(void (*cb)(const uint8_t *payload, size_t size, int rssi));

See the ttn-otaa example.

Method: join

Activate the device via OTAA (default).

bool join();
bool join(const char *app_eui, const char *app_key, int8_t retries = -1, uint32_t retryDelay = 10000);
bool join(const char *dev_eui, const char *app_eui, const char *app_key, int8_t retries = -1, uint32_t retryDelay = 10000);

Returns true or false depending on whether it received confirmation that the activation was successful before the maximum number of attempts.

Call the method without the first two arguments if the device's LoRa module is provisioned or comes with NVS stored values. See provision, saveKeys and restoreKeys

Method: personalize

Activate the device via ABP.

bool personalize(const char *devAddr, const char *nwkSKey, const char *appSKey);
bool personalize();

Returns true or false depending on whether the activation was successful.

Call the method with no arguments if the device's LoRa module is provisioned or comes with NVS stored values. See provisionABP, saveKeys and restoreKeys

See the ttn_abp example.

Method: sendBytes

Send a message to the application using raw bytes.

bool sendBytes(uint8_t *payload, size_t length, uint8_t port = 1, uint8_t confirm = 0);

Method: poll

Calls sendBytes() with { 0x00 } as payload to poll for incoming messages.

int8_t poll(uint8_t port = 1, uint8_t confirm = 0);

Returns the result of sendBytes().

Method: provision

Sets the informations needed to activate the device via OTAA, without actually activating. Call join() without the first 2 arguments to activate.

bool provision(const char *appEui, const char *appKey);
bool provision(const char *devEui, const char *appEui, const char *appKey);

Sets the informations needed to activate the device via ABP, without actually activating. call personalize() without arguments to activate.

bool provisionABP(const char *devAddr, const char *nwkSKey, const char *appSKey);