rguilmain / tacktx

A hex-based tactics game
MIT License
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Tacktx is a poorly named project that will serve as a learning ground for building games using the 2D game engine LOVE. The first stretch goal will be to create a hex-based map on which units can properly move around.


Tacktx is distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more detail.

For information on LOVE licensing, please see third_party/love/license.txt.

The tileset we will be using to experiment with comes from http://opengameart.org/content/pastel-resources-hex-tiles-55x64-and-64x55 and is made available under the CC-BY-SA 3.0, GPL 3.0, and GPL 2.0 licenses.


Rich Guilmain richguilmain@gmail.com

Thomas DeRensis tderensis@gmail.com

Tim Bertram timothy.a.bertram@gmail.com