rheiland / xml2jupyter

Generate Jupyter widgets (and a notebook) from a PhysiCell XML configuration file
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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NOTE: This repo is associated with our JOSS paper, however, the same functionality (and more) is now being maintained at https://github.com/PhysiCell-Tools/PhysiCell-Jupyter-GUI

Parse a PhysiCell configuration file (XML) and generate Jupyter (Python) modules (microenv_params.py and user_params.py) containing associated widgets for model parameters. For more information, we recommend checking out the JOSS paper describing the (version 1) functionality of this tool DOI

To see an example application that has been generated with xml2jupyter, click the binder badge Binder


Many scientific simulation packages use text-based configuration files to provide parameter values and run at the command line without a graphical interface. Manually editing these files to explore how different values affect a simulation can be burdensome for technical users, and impossible to use for those with other scientific backgrounds. xml2jupyter is a Python package that addresses these scientific bottlenecks. It provides a mapping between configuration files, formatted in the Extensible Markup Language (XML), and Jupyter widgets.

Using a PhysiCell XML configuration file, this tool lets you generate a graphical user interface (GUI) consisting of Jupyter widgets. The xml2jupyter.py Python script provides a core component of the GUI by generating two panels (Jupyter Tabs) of custom model parameter widgets. The other Python scripts in this repository are static; all together, they provide a self-contained Jupyter notebook GUI tailored to a custom PhysiCell simulator. While the project is specific to PhysiCell, the basic idea of generating Jupyter widgets can be extended to other text-based configuration files.

We realize the name "xml2jupyter" is somewhat generic. We wanted a name that was descriptive, but also concise and, besides, its functionality can (and most likely will) be extended well beyond what is possible in the initial release - to generate custom parameter widgets for a PhysiCell configuration file.


Download the xml2jupyter.py Python script from this repository. (This will let you perform the core function of generating Jupyter widgets associated with PhysiCell's <microenvironment_setup> and <user_parameters> in an XML configuration file).


  1. Minimally, this project just requires Python (we recommend Python 3.x). A standard distribution of Python will let you convert sample XML configuration files into Jupyter widgets.
  2. If you install Jupyter, you will be able to display the widgets in a notebook (in your web browser) and modify the XML via the widgets.
  3. If you install some additional Python modules (matplotlib and scipy), not available in the standard library, you will be able to display a GUI notebook for PhysiCell.

We recommend installing the Anaconda Python 3.x distribution to provide all dependencies. However, an alternative, requiring less disk space, is to install Miniconda Python 3.x and then:

conda install matplotlib
conda install scipy
conda install jupyter


Use this tool by directly running the file xml2jupyter.py with Python like so:

python xml2jupyter.py <config-files>

You can provide several configuration files that will affect the behavior of the output. Below is an explanation of the possible inputs for this script.

  Inputs - takes none, 1, 2, 3, or 4 arguments
    config filename (str, optional): the PhysiCell configuration file (.xml) (Default = config.xml)
    GUI module (str, optional):      the primary GUI for the Jupyter notebook 
    colorname1, colorname2 (str, optional): the colors to use for the alternating rows of widgets 
                                            (Defaults: lightgreen, tan)
  Examples (with 0,1,2,3,4 args):
    python xml2jupyter.py
    python xml2jupyter.py config_heterogeneity.xml
    python xml2jupyter.py config_heterogeneity.xml mygui.py
    python xml2jupyter.py config_biorobots.xml lightblue tan
    python xml2jupyter.py config_biorobots.xml mygui.py lightblue tan

    microenv_params.py: Python module used to create/edit microenvironment parameters (--> "Microenvironment" GUI tab)
    user_params.py: Python module used to create/edit custom user parameters (--> "User Params" GUI tab)

Simple example

The xml2jupyter.py script assumes the XML input file has a block element <user_parameters> that contains children elements describing PhysiCell simulation parameters. Each parameter element consists of its name with attributes, defining its data type, units (optional), description (optional), whether the widget should be hidden (optional), and the parameter's default value. The attributes will determine the appearance and behavior of the Jupyter widget. For numeric widgets (the most common type for PhysiCell), xml2jupyter will calculate a delta step size as a function of the default value and this step size will be used by the widget's graphical increment/decrement feature.

To illustrate, consider the following simple XML example, containing each of the four (currently) supported data types (double, int, string, bool) and the various attributes:

    <radius type="double" units="micron"
        description="initial tumor radius">250.0
    <threads type="int">8</threads>
    <color type="string" hidden="true">red</color>
    <fix_persistence type="bool">True</fix_persistence>

When we map this into Jupyter widgets, we obtain the following rendered results: Notice the color parameter is not displayed since we specified it should be hidden in the XML. The name of the other parameters, their values, and attributes, if present, are displayed in rows (as disabled Jupyter button widgets). Using alternating row colors ("zebra stripes") helps visually match associated fields and avoid changing the wrong parameter value. For numeric widgets (type "int" or "double"), we compute a delta step value based on the magnitude (log) of the initial value. For example, the radius widget will have a step value of 10, whereas threads will have a step value of 1.

Simple example of XML parameters as Jupyter widgets.

PhysiCell configuration example

For a more realistic example, using an actual PhysiCell simulation configuration file provided in this repository, run the following commands in a shell window (we demonstrate using Unix-style shell commands):

$ cp config_samples/config_biorobots.xml .
$ python xml2jupyter.py config_biorobots.xml test_user_params.py 
$ jupyter notebook test_gui.ipynb

When the notebook starts in your browser, in the "Cell" menu, click "Run All". This should display the minimal notebook that will let you update your XML after changing values in widgets, in either the Microenvironment or User Params tab, and clicking the 'Write' button.

alt text

alt text

PhysiCell simulation GUI

The PhysiCell_GUI subdirectory contains Python modules that are responsible for creating and operating the full Jupyter notebook GUI:

mygui.py  - top-level module that imports the other modules (that create the "tabs") and populates their content
about.py  - creates the "About" tab with a model's documentation
config.py   - creates the "Config Basics" tab with general simulation parameters
microenv_params.py - creates the "Microenvironment" tab with custom microenvironment parameters (this module is generated by xml2jupyter.py)
user_params.py - creates the "User Params" tab with a custom simulation parameters (this module is generated by xml2jupyter.py)
svg.py    - creates the "Out: Cell Plots" tab to visualize cells (data happens to be in SVG format)
substrates.py  - creates the "Out: Substrate Plots" tab to visualize substrates 

The xml2jupyter.py script generates two panels of widgets that represent custom parameters for a PhysiCell simulation. But our ultimate goal is to provide a full-featured GUI for a PhysiCell simulation. By providing additional, static Python modules to accompany the dynamically-generated custom parameters modules (from xml2jupyter.py), we can achieve this. To demonstrate, we provide an example GUI for PhysiCell's cancer biorobots model, with sample data, in this repository. (Note that you won't be able to "Run" an actual simulation though, without additional effort). From the PhysiCell_GUI directory, run the mygui.ipynb notebook:

$ cd PhysiCell_GUI
$ jupyter notebook mygui.ipynb

The notebook should appear in your browser and look like this:

mygui startup

Clicking "Run All" in the "Cell" menu should display the full GUI, with the About tab's content displayed:

model description

You can click on the other tabs to see their content, e.g., the Microenvironment and User Params tabs which were generated by xml2jupyter.py:

custom user parameters

custom user parameters

and the Cell Plots and Substrate Plots which will display pre-computed data when you click the frame slider:


substrate fields

The following images show a Jupyter notebook GUI for the same model, with additional substrate plots, running on nanoHUB (showing v1 of xml2jupyter, prior to adding the Microenvironment tab).

GUI tabs for PhysiCell simulator.

This is described more fully in the accompanying paper.


This project, at least in this early stage, targets the needs of the PhysiCell project. The primary script (xml2jupyter.py) only parses an XML configuration file with a handful of specific attributes, mostly related to numeric parameters. Therefore, PhysiCell developers and users will most likely provide contributions to this project (although anyone is welcome). We request that such contributions be made either as a GitHub pull request or, if users are unfamiliar with GitHub, as a posting to https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/physicell-users.