rheilmayr / chile_subsidies

Replication code for: Forest subsidies reduced native forest extent, carbon sequestration and biodiversity in Chile
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Replication code for "Impacts of Chilean forest subsidies on forest cover, carbon and biodiversity"

Authors: Paper authored by Robert Heilmayr, Cristian Echeverria and Eric F. Lambin Code written by Robert Heilmayr.

Depdendencies: Code was written in a combination of Python 3 and Stata 14. Required python packages are pandas (0.24.1), numpy (1.16.2), statsmodels (0.10.1) and sklearn (0.20.3)

Data: Input data is available at https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/6RDDQH

Summary of scripts: Code should be run in the following order: 1) environment.yml: Make file for conda computing environment used for python code. 2) estimation.do: Estimates coefficients for land use change model 3) simulation.py: Runs Monte Carlo Simulation. Generates all tables and paper results.

Pre-processing scripts are not included in this repository. Additional scripts available upon request: 1) createInputRasters.py: Generates raster input data. 2) econFullExecRaster.py: Draws sample of points, extracts attributes and calculates rents to different land uses for these points. Generates estimation.csv and simulation.csv input files. 3) carbonModel.py: Summarizes carbon data by region and land use. Generates co2_metrics.csv input file. 4) metaAnalysis.R: Conduct meta-analysis to generate Generates biodiversity_metrics.csv input file.