rheinbaylab / cDNA-detector

Detect and remove cDNA contamination in DNA sequencing data
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Detect and remove cDNA contamination in DNA sequencing experiments (ATAC-Seq, ChIP-Seq, WES, etc.)

General overview

cdna-detector is a Python tool for detecting and removing contaminating cDNA from vectors and other sources in DNA-Seq data (ATAC-Seq, ChIP-Seq, WES, etc). The tool analyzes BAM formatted alignment files (coordinate-sorted), detects candidate contaminant cDNAs and, if desired, removes suspected contaminant reads from BAM files.


cdna-detector requires Python3 and blastn. We have tested it in Python 3.7.6 and BLASTN (2.9.0). cdna-detector also requires the Python modules listed below:

pandas >= 0.23.0
numpy >= 1.17.0
scipy >= 1.1.0
pysam >= 0.15.0
Statsmodels >= 0.11.1
Biopython >= 1.77
joblib >= 0.15.1
gffpandas >= 0.1.0

Modules can be installed using pip or conda. Note that gffpandas cannot be installed via conda, but is only necessary if generating custom gene model files.

pip install --user pandas numpy scipy pysam statsmodels biopython gffpandas joblib
conda install -c bioconda blast==2.9.0


conda install  pandas numpy scipy statsmodels biopython joblib
conda install -c bioconda pysam
conda install -c bioconda blast==2.9.0
pip install gffpandas

Gene model files for the hg19 and hg38 human and mm10 mouse genome assemblies are provided with cDNA-detector. The subcommand prepare is only necessary when generating gene models for other species, assemblies or custom amplicons.


git clone https://github.com/rheinbaylab/cDNA-detector.git
cd cDNA-detector
chmod a+x cdna-detector.py

Then add cdna-detector into your PATH.


cDNA-detector consists of three steps (subcommands):

  1. prepare: Generate gene model file [optional]
  2. detect: Detect candidate contaminant cDNA in bam file
  3. clean: Clean up cDNA in bam file [optional]

Details and examples are shown below.

1. prepare: Generate gene model file [optional]

cdna-detector relies on a species and assembly-specific gene model file to search for possible contaminant genes. We provide gene models for hg19/hg38/mm10 with this distribution. The 'prepare' step is thus only required for other species/assemblies or custom amplicon sets. The gene model file needs to be created only once. Built-in gene models are


Gene models hg19_nochr and hg38_nochr are used for reference genomes where chromosome names do not start with "chr".

Human hg19/hg38

Gene models ready for use are provided in diretory data/gene_model. And hg19/hg38 are equivalent to gene model files in the directory. Please see section 2 for usage examples.

Mouse mm10/mm39

Gene models are generated in diretory data/gene_model. Users can use these files directly. And mm10/mm39 is equivalent to gene model file in the directory.

Other species/assemblies


cdna-detector.py prepare --annotation <gtf/bed> --genome <genome sequenc filee>  [options]


cd cDNA-detector/
cdna-detector  prepare --annotation  example_data/gtf_example/test.gtf --output_dir example_data/output_prepare --genome  example_data/test_genome/test_genome.fa

Input parameters

usage: cdna-detector.py prepare --annotation <gtf/bed> --genome <genome sequence file>  [options]

required arguments:
  --annotation          gene annotation files
                        input format: gtf/bed
  --genome              genome fasta file
                        input format: fa/fasta

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --format              input annotation format: gtf or bed
                         If format is "bed", only 3 or 4 columns will be used.
                        - default: gtf
  --output_dir          output directory
                        - default: .
  --chr_exclude         exclude chromosomes, multiple chromosomes are separated by ","
                        - conflict with --chr_include
                        - default: chrM
                        - example: --chr_exclude chrX,chrY,chrM
  --chr_include         only include chromosomes, multiple chromosomes are separated by ","
                        - conflict with --chr_exclude
                        - example: --chr_include chr1,chr2
  --source              the program that generated this feature, it is located in 2nd column of gtf. multiple sources are separated by ","
                        - default: all source
                        - example: --source havana
  --feature_type_cds    feature name for identifying CDS regions. It is located in 3rd column of gtf. Multiple features are separated by ","
                        - default: CDS
  --featureid_gene_id   attribute to show gene id. 
                        - default: gene_id
                        attribute to show gene name. 
                        - default: gene_name
                        attribute to show exon number.
                        - default exon_number
                        attribute to show transcript id. 
                        - default transcript_id

annotation input file can be in GTF or BED format, genome is the genome sequence. The chromosome names in the genome sequences must be consistent with chromosome names in GTF/BED files. If the input file is in BED format, only the first 3 or 4 columns will be required and used. Details can be found in BED format.

By default, chrM is excluded due to high read accumulation in sequencing experiments. It can be added back to the analysis workflow with --chr_include chrM.

Output files

  1. GtfFileName.saf: Gene model file. This file contains gene exon regions and boundary positions. This files is required for step detect.
  2. GtfFileName.prepare.log: Log file.

Here are the first several lines of the file GtfFileName.saf.

seqname start end gene_id gene_name transcript_id exon_flank_start20 exon_flank_end20 is_exon_boundary_start is_exon_boundary_end exon_boundary_start_nearseq20 exon_boundary_end_nearseq20

Users can provide several required columns for exon regions, such as seqname, start, end, gene_id, gene_name, then fill columns is_exon_boundary_start and is_exon_boundary_end with 0. Fill transcript with transcript id or gene id (If no transcript id.). Leave other columns blank.

2. detect: detecting cDNA contamination in BAM files

cdna-detector detect searches for possible cDNA contamination in BAM-formatted sequence alignments using the predefined gene model file. cdna-detector detect outputs several files, including original statistics about candidate contaminant exons and genes, high-confidence filtered exons and genes, and coordinate files containing the positions of genes with suspected contaminations for use with the clean step.


cdna-detector detect --bam <bam> --sample_id <sample_id> --gene_model <gene_model> [options]


cd cDNA-detector/
cdna-detector detect --bam  example_data/bam_file/tmp.sample.bam --sample_id tmp_sample  --gene_model hg19 --output_dir example_data/output_detect

Input options

usage: cdna-detector.py detect --bam <bam> --sample_id <sample_id> --gene_model <gene_model> [options]

required arguments:
  --bam                 The input file is in BAM format. Recommend results from software bwa
  --sample_id           Identifier. Used as output prefix
  --gene_model          Link to gene model.
                         - INPUT: hg19/hg38/mm10/(gene model generated from subcommand "prepare")

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --min_quality         Minimum read mapping quality.
                        - integer
                        - default: 0
  --pvalue              significant p values.
                        - float
                        - default: 0.05
                        minimum ratio of detected exons of one transcript
                        - float
                        - default: 0.3
  --output_dir          output directory
                        - default: "."
  --n_threads           number of threads
                        - integer
                        - default: 1
                        minimum number of reads which may come from cDNA for each exon.
                        - integer
                        - default: 1
  --exclude_ehc {True,False}
                        to exclude extremely high coverage of clipped reads for single gene from background calculation.
                        - string
                        - default: True
  --ratio_ehc           cutoff for ratio of extremely high coverage of clipped reads for single gene.
                        - float
                        - default: 0.05
  --count_ehc           cutoff for read count of extremely high coverage of clipped reads for single gene.
                        - integer
                        - default: 10000
  --blastn_database     databases for cDNA source inference.
                        - default: corresponding databases for build-in gene models or default databases
  --file_source_known   file represent gene class.
                        - default: for human, genes from retrocopy and blacklist are listed.
                        only include cDNAs with inferred sources, multiple input are separated by ","
                        - conflict with --inferred_source_exclude
                        - example: --inferred_source_include vector,unknown
                        - default: output all cDNAs with inferred sources
                        only exclude cDNAs with inference sources, multiple input are separated by ","
                        - conflict with --inferred_source_include
                        - example: --inferred_source_exclude retrocopy
                        - default: null value
                        only include cDNAs with known sources, multiple input are separated by ","
                        - conflict with --known_source_exclude
                        - example: --known_source_include retrocopy
                        - default: null value
                        only exclude cDNAs with inference sources, multiple input are separated by ","
                        - conflict with --known_source_include
                        - example: --known_source_exclude blacklist
                        - default: blacklist

gene_model can be a hg19/hg38/mm10/hg19_nochr/hg38_nochr/mm39 gene model provided with this tool or gene model file generated by subcommand cdna-detector prepare (see above). Note: Adapter sequences can affect the sensitivity of cDNA-detector. It's recommend to remove adapter sequences in BAM files.

Output files

If cDNAs are detected, cdna-detector detect outputs several files. If no cDNA is detected in the input, only the SAMPLE_ID.log log file will be generated. Important files are explained below:

  1. SAMPLE_ID.log: log file.
  2. SAMPLE_ID.gene_statistics.tsv original statistics for all tested genes.
  3. SAMPLE_ID.exon_statistics.tsv original statistics for all tested exons.
  4. SAMPLE_ID.exon_statistics.filter.tsv filtered results containing only "high-confidence" candidate contaminant exons.
  5. SAMPLE_ID.gene_statistics.filter.tsv filtered results containing only "high-confidence" candidate contaminant genes.
  6. SAMPLE_ID.gene_statistics.filtered.source_filtered.tsv: filtered results containing only "high-confidence" candidate contaminant genes from user-defined sources.
  7. SAMPLE_ID.merge_region.tsv: merged exon regions which can be used in the "clean" step (see below).
  8. SAMPLE_ID.merge_region.bed: merged exon regions which can be used in IGV for manually checking results.
  9. SAMPLE_ID.clipped_seq.source_inference.tsv: Inferred source (vector or retrogene) for each candidate cDNA, if enough evidence is available.

For most cases, users can only check SAMPLE_ID.gene_statistics.filtered.source_filtered.tsv, which describes high-confidence cDNAs in the BAM file. It is recommended to review cDNA calls in IGV with SAMPLE_ID.merge_region.bed.

Important Note: cDNAs where only one exon scored as significant can represent a false positive and should be reviewed.

Description of columns in SAMPLE_ID.gene_statistics.tsv, SAMPLE_ID.gene_statistics.filter.tsv and SAMPLE_ID.gene_statistics.filtered.source_filtered.tsv:

column description
gene_id gene id
gene_name gene name
transcript_id transcript id
num_exon_detected number of exons detected
num_exon_transcript number of exons in the transcript
ratio ratio of detected exons to all exons in transcript
source_inference possible source of detected cDNAs inferred by cDNA-detector
source_known_databases known source of detected cDNAs defined by users or built-in databases
combined_pvalue combined p-value for each transcript
avg_log10pvalue average log10 pvalue for each transcript
avg_pvalue average pvalue for each transcript
avg_cDNA average value of possible cDNA reads for each transcript
median_cDNA median value of possible cDNA reads for each transcript

Description of columns in SAMPLE_ID.exon_statistics.tsv and SAMPLE_ID.exon_statistics.filter.tsv.

column description
seqname chromosome name
exon_start start position of exon
exon_end end position of exon
pos_start start position of candidate region
pos_end end position of candidate region
gene_id gene id
gene_name gene name
transcript transcript name
num_clipped_start number of clipped reads overlapping start of candidate region
num_total_start number of total reads at start position of candidate region
bbinom_pvalue_start binomial p-value at start position of candidate region
num_clipped_end number of clipped reads at end position of candidate region
num_total_end number of total reads at end position of candidate region
bbinom_pvalue_end binomial p-value at end position of candidate region
num_bg_clipped number of clipped reads in total exon regions (background)
num_bg_total number of total reads in total exon regions (background)
combine_pvalue combined p-value of start and end of candidate regions
combine_pvalue combined q-value of start and end of candidate regions

3. clean up cDNA in BAM file

cdna-detector clean utilizes SAMPLE_ID.merge_region.tsv generated in the previous step cdna-detector detect and the source BAM file, then generates a "clean" BAM file by removing identified contaminant reads from candidate regions.


cdna-detector clean --bam <bam> --region <region_file> --sample_id <sample_id> [options]


cdna-detector clean --bam example_data/bam_file/tmp.sample.bam  --sample_id tmp_sample --region example_data/output_detect/tmp_sample.merge_region.tsv   --output_dir example_data/output_clean

Input options

required arguments:
  --bam                 The input file in bam format
                        - Note: must be sorted (use samtools sort if necessary)
  --region              files which show contaminated regions
                        - output "SAMPLE_ID.merge_region.tsv" from the "detect" step
  --sample_id           Identifier. Used as output prefix

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --method {automatic,rpm,fraction}
                        method of removing reads from bam files
                        - value: automatic (recommended), fraction, rpm
                        - automatic: estimate cDNA based on cDNA in exon boundaries
                        - fraction: fraction of reads to keep after cleaning in exon regions
                        - rpm: reads per million to keep after cleaning in exon regions
                        - default: automatic
  --output_dir          output directory
                        - default: "."
  --gDNA_remove         by default, reads identified as genomic DNA (gDNA) will be kept in exon regions. If the user suspects all reads in a given exon are contaminant reads, add this flag

By default, cdna-detector clean estimates the fraction of cDNA in a candidate region based on cDNA detected in exon boundaries. Sometimes, this is not accurate. In this case, the user has the option to set method to rpm or fraction to estimate quantity of cDNA manually (i.e after alignment review in IGV). This can be useful when all reads in a candidate exon regions stem from contaminating cDNA.

cdna-detector clean --bam example_data/bam_file/tmp.sample.bam  --sample_id tmp_sample --region example_data/output_detect/tmp_sample.merge_region.tsv   --output_dir example_data/output_clean


cdna-detector clean outputs 4 files:

  1. SAMPLEID.clean.log: log file.
  2. SAMPLEID.clean.bam: clean BAM file.
  3. SAMPLEID.clean.bam: index for clean BAM file.
  4. SAMPLEID.clean_region.tsv: cleaned regions and detailed information about how much cDNA was removed in each region. Useful for manual cDNA removal. [ If method is rpm or fraction, this file will not be generated ]

Example SAMPLEID.clean_region.tsv.

seqname start end gene_name rpm fraction
chr1 11167436 11167558 MTOR 3515.5354398240534 0.6
chr1 11168234 11168344 MTOR 7608.5018214549555 0.7173738991192954
chr1 11169344 11169427 MTOR 5655.426577108259 0.7458006718924972
chr1 11169705 11169787 MTOR 1316.20288205973 0.6007751937984496

When the automatic method setting appears incorrect, the user can manually edit fraction or rpm. For example, these values can be set to 0 if there is reason to believe all reads in a given exon stem from contaminating cDNA.

Description of columns in SAMPLEID.clean_region.tsv

column description
seqname chromosome name
start start position of candidate/cleaned region
end end position of candidate/cleaned region
gene_name gene name
rpm reads per million kept in the clean bam file
fraction fraction of reads kept in the clean bam file


If you use the tool in your work, please cite:

Qi M, Nayar U, Ludwig LS, Wagle N, Rheinbay E. 2021. cDNA-detector: Detection and removal of cDNA contamination in DNA sequencing libraries. bioRxiv doi: 10.1101/2021.08.11.455962

Getting Help

If you have any questions, please submit issues via GitHub or send email to mqi3@mgh.harvard.edu.

License Agreement

By using the software, you acknowledge that you agree to the terms below:

For academic and non-profit use, you are free to fork, download, modify, distribute and use the software without restrictions.

For commercial use, you are required to contact the authors at Massachusetts General Hospital to discuss licensing options.