rhiever / reddit-twitter-bot

Looks up posts from reddit and automatically posts them on Twitter.
GNU General Public License v3.0
137 stars 38 forks source link

reddit Twitter Bot

A Python bot that looks up posts from reddit and automatically posts them on Twitter.


I hold no liability for what you do with this script or what happens to you by using this script. Abusing this script can get you banned from Twitter, so make sure to read up on proper usage of the Twitter API.


You will need to install Python's tweepy and PRAW libraries first:

pip install tweepy
pip install praw

You will also need to create an app account on Twitter: [instructions]

  1. Sign in with your Twitter account
  2. Create a new app account
  3. Modify the settings for that app account to allow read & write
  4. Generate a new OAuth token with those permissions
  5. Manually edit this script and put those tokens in the script


Once you edit the bot script to provide the necessary API keys and the subreddit you want to tweet from, you can run the bot on the command line:

python reddit_twitter_bot.py

Look into the script itself for configuration options of the bot.

Have questions? Need help with the bot?

If you're having issues with or have questions about the bot, please file an issue in this repository so one of the project managers can get back to you. Please check the existing (and closed) issues to make sure your issue hasn't already been addressed.