rhinowarrior / swifttcr

Apache License 2.0
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SwiftTCR is a powerful tool designed to predict bindings between T-cell receptors (TCR) and peptide-MHC complexes.


Getting Started

To get started with SwiftTCR, follow these steps:

  1. Clone or Download this repository.
  2. Navigate into the SwiftTCR folder.


To quickly install all the necessary packages, you can use the provided swifttcr_install.yml file. Run the following commands:

conda env create -f swifttcr_install.yml
conda activate swifttcr 

Running SwiftTCR

Use the following command to execute SwiftTCR:

python3 scripts/swift_tcr.py -r /your/input/peptide-mhc -l /your/input/tcr -o output_directory -op output_prefix -c number_of_cores -t clustering_threshold (default=9)

Example command:

python3 scripts/swift_tcr.py -r example/input/benchmark_dataset/3w0w/3w0w_pmhc_renumbered.pdb -l example/input/benchmark_dataset/3w0w/3w0w_tcr.pdb -o example/output/ -op first_test -c 6 -t 9


Output Structure Naming Convention initial placement

Peptide-MHC Chains

TCR Chains

Output Structure Naming Convetion SwiftTCR


Installing Python 2.7 and Python 3.12.9 in a Conda Environment

Because of prepare.py, this program requires both Python 2.7 and Python 3.12.9. Follow these steps to install and configure both versions.

Step-by-Step Installation Guide

1. Install Conda (if not already installed)

If you don't have Conda installed, you can download and install Miniconda or Anaconda.

2. Create a Conda Environment for Python 3.12.9

Run the following command to create a new Conda environment named swifttcr with Python 3.12.9:

conda create -n swifttcr python=3.12.9

3. Activate the Conda Environment

Activate the newly created environment:

conda activate swifttcr

4. Install Required Packages

Install any required packages for your project within this environment. For example, if you need numpy and pandas, you can do so with:

conda install numpy pandas

5. Install Python 2.7

To install Python 2.7, you can use the following commands:

5.1. Download Python 2.7

Run this command to download the Python 2.7 source code:

wget https://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.7.18/Python-2.7.18.tgz

5.2. Extract the Source Code

Extract the downloaded tarball:

tar -xvf Python-2.7.18.tgz

5.3. Move to the Python Directory

Change into the newly created Python directory:

cd Python-2.7.18

5.4. Configure the Installation

Run the configure script with the --prefix option to specify the installation directory:

./configure --prefix=$HOME/.local

5.5. Build and Install Python 2.7

Compile and install Python 2.7 with:

make install

6. Add Python 2.7 to Your PATH

To make Python 2.7 accessible from the command line, add it to your PATH by running:

echo 'export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc

7. Reload Your Profile

Apply the changes to your current session:

source ~/.bashrc

8. Check Installations

Verify the installations by checking the versions:

python2.7 --version
python3 --version  # This will point to Python 3.12.9 in the active Conda environment.

Additional Notes

conda deactivate