rhomeister / api_postcode_nl

MIT License
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= api_postcode_nl

A gem for interfacing with http://api.postcode.nl, a webservice that converts a Dutch postcode + house number into a full address. Go to http://api.postcode.nl to sign up and create a secret + key.

Disclaimer: the creator of this gem is not in any way affiliated with api.postcode.nl.

== Installation

Add to your Gemfile:

gem "api_postcode_nl"

== Configuration ApiPostcodeNl::API.key="your key here" ApiPostcodeNl::API.secret="your secret here"

== Usage ApiPostcodeNl::API.address("9999AA", "123", "a")


{:street_name=>nil, :house_number=>nil, :postcode=>nil, :city=>nil, :municipality=>nil, :province=>nil, :latitude=>nil, :longitude=>nil, :address_type=>nil, :purpose=>nil, :area=>nil, :house_number_additions=>nil}

== Contributing to api_postcode_nl

== Copyright

Copyright (c) 2013 rhomeister. See LICENSE.txt for further details.