rht-labs / labs-ci-cd

πŸ‘»UNMAINTAINED - A collection of Red Hat Open Innovation Labs CI/CD components
Apache License 2.0
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Open Innovation Labs CI/CD

🏁 No Longer Being Maintained πŸŒ‡

This project is being deprecated and will no longer receive updates or contributions. OpenShift has moved on to version 4.x and this project was a great enabler for kick starting development of applications on OpenShift 3.x. The tools of DevOps have evolved and grown towards a GitOps approach and so the evolution of Labs CI/CD has moved that way too.

For this teams new approach to tooling and automation checkout these two repositories:

What's in the box?

This project is an Ansible inventory for loading an OpenShift cluster with some frequently used projects, apps and tools on a Red Hat Open Innovation Lab residencies. Using the openshift-applier, cluster content is loaded from templates and param files in a repeatable, config-as-code way.

Running this Ansible inventory will first create three project namespaces: labs-ci-cd, labs-dev and labs-test. Subsequently it will create a bunch of commonly used ci-cd-tools such as Jenkins, Nexus and Sonar. It will also create a collection of jenkins-slaves that can be used in builds such as npm, maven and golang to name a few. Apps can be added also by applying their Jenkinsfile as a buildConfig with an example (java-app) is included as a reference.

The diagaram below shows the components that get created by running the playbook's bootstrap and tools inventories. whats-in-the-box.png

How it Works

The layout of the project is like most standard ansible-playbooks with a simplified view of the key parts shown below:

β”œβ”€β”€ site.yml
β”œβ”€β”€ requirements.yml
β”œβ”€β”€ inventory
β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ group_vars
β”‚Β Β  β”‚Β Β  └── all.yml
β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ host_vars
β”‚Β Β  |   └── ...
β”‚Β Β  └── hosts
β”œβ”€β”€ params
β”‚Β Β  └── jenkins-slaves
β”‚Β Β      └── **
β”œβ”€β”€ secrets
β”‚Β Β  └── ...

Multiple inventories

The Ansible layer is very thin; it simply provides a way to orchestrate the application of OpenShift templates across one or more OpenShift projects. All configuration for the applications should be defined by an OpenShift template and the corresponding parameters file.

There are multiple Ansible inventories which divide the type of components to be built and deployed to an OpenShift cluster. These are broken down into three sections:

Getting Started


Inventory Usage

It should be noted that non-docker executions will utilize the inventory directory included in this repo by default. If you would like to specify a custom inventory for any of the below tasks, you can do so by adding -i /path/to/my/inventory to the command

Basic Usage

  1. Log on to an OpenShift server oc login -u <user> https://<server>:<port>/
  2. Clone this repository.
  3. Install the required openshift-applier dependency:
    ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml --roles-path=roles
  4. To deploy everything please run:
    ansible-playbook site.yml

Customised Install

If labs-ci-cd already exists on your OpenShift cluster and you want to create a new instance of labs-ci-cd with its own name eg john-ci-cd, run the "unique projects" playbook. This playbook is useful if you're developing labs-ci-cd and want to test your changes. With a unique project name, you can safely try out your changes in a test cluster that others are using.

ansible-playbook site.yml -e ci_cd_namespace=another-ci-cd -e dev_namespace=another-dev -e test_namespace=another-test

Or please look here for other variables you can change.


After running the playbook, the pipeline should execute in Jenkins, build the spring boot app, deploy artifacts to nexus, deploy the container to the dev stage and then wait approval to deploy to the demo stage. See Common Issues

Persistent vs Ephemeral Jenkins

labs-ci-cd will default to deploying a persistent Jenkins, if you do not wish to use persistent jenkins please add on the extra variable jenkins_persistence_type and set it to ephemeral For Example:

ansible-playbook site.yml -e jenkins_persistence_type=ephemeral

Running a Subset of the Inventory

In some cases you might not want to deploy all of the components in this repo; but only a subset such as Jenkins and the customisations to it.

  1. See the docs in the openshift-applier repo.
  2. The only required tag to deploy objects within the inventory is projects, all other tags are optional
  3. Here is an example that runs the tags that provision projects, ci, and jenkins objects:
    ansible-playbook site.yml \
    -e "include_tags=jenkins,ci,projects"

Scope and Direction

The goal of this repository is to:

  1. Bootstrap Labs residencies will all the tools necessary for a comprehensive, OpenShift native CI/CD pipeline
  2. Serve as a reference implementation of the openshift-applier model for Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC)

A few additional guiding principles:


1) Fork the repo and open PR's 2) Add all new components to the inventory with appropriate namespaces and tags 3) Extended the Jenkinsfile with steps to verify that your components built/deployed correctly 4) For now, it is your responsibility to run the CI job. Please contact an admin for the details to set the CI job up. 5) The tests/slaves/Jenkinsfile gets run as part of CI and will spin up a new Jenkins instance from this repositories code and validate each of the provided slaves can be accessed and contain their expected binary on the path.

Common Issues


ASL 2.0