Code and results of Hugonnet et al. (2021), Accelerated global glacier mass loss in the early twenty-first century. :earth_americas: :snowflake:
Below a short guide to: manipulate the dataset, reproduce the processing steps, and reproduce the figures and tables.
The dataset consists of:
Important note for data only available on-demand (3. and 4.): This data is very large (several TBs) and, in the case of ASTER DEMs, unfiltered (for artefacts, clouds, etc). It is very difficult to use. If that is nonetheless needed, contact me with latitude-longitude coordinates of your area of interest, and a description of your intended use.
Other notes:
Most scripts rely on code assembled in the packages pyddem (DEM time series) and pymmaster (ASTER processing), which themselves are based on pybob (GDAL/OGR-based georeferenced processing).
You can rapidly install a working environment containing all those packages and their dependencies with the ww_tvol_env.yml file, located at the root of the repository, using mamba:
mamba env create -f ww_tvol_env.yml
Important note: for pybob, the development branch installed by the environment file to work with this repository is iamdonovan/test_dev and not the main branch.
Further details on setup and functions present in these packages are available through pyddem documentation and pymmaster documentation.
Scripts for selecting or manipulating the dataset at various scales are located in dataset/ and divide in three sections:
gla_vol_time_series/ for the volume and mass change time series integrated over glaciers (.csv),
h_time_series/ for the elevation time series and elevation change rasters (.nc and .tif),
raw_dems/ for the bias-corrected ASTER DEMs.
Below a few examples:
import pyddem.tdem_tools as tt
import pyddem.fit_tools as ft
import numpy as np
# filename of file containing RGI 6.0 metadata (updated for some regions in this study) for all glaciers
fn_base = '/path/to/base_rgi.csv'
# filename of file containing our estimates for all glaciers
fn_gla = '/path/to/dh_int_all.csv'
1. Aggregating volume change over a specific regional shapefile: example HiMAP
:exclamation: Propagation of errors can be CPU intensive, and might require running in parallel
# only need results from High Mountain Asia
fn_pergla = '/path/to/dh_13_14_15_rgi60_int_base.csv'
# HiMAP subregions polygons
# fill the fields of interest to sort the HiMAP regions
2. Aggregating volume change over 4x4° tiles with 32 cores
# here you can specify periods of choice
# default will derive all successive 1-,2-,4-,5-,10- and 20-year periods (not computing intensive, can be performed later on the cumulative series)
list_tlim = [(np.datetime64('2002-01-01'),np.datetime64('2020-01-01')),(np.datetime64('2008-01-01'),np.datetime64('2014-01-01'))]
3. Displaying elevation change time series from a time stack
# fn_stack='/home/atom/ongoing/work_worldwide/figures/esapolar/'
fig, ims = ft.make_dh_animation(ds,fn_shp=fn_shp,t0=t0,month_a_year=1,dh_max=40,var='z',label='Elevation change since 2000 (m)')
ft.write_animation(fig, ims, outfilename=out_gif,interval=500)
To generate the dataset, we sequentially use the scripts located in:
To generate the Figures, Tables and values cited in the main text, we use the scripts located in figures/ and tables/.
Additional data might be necessary to run some of these scripts, such as a world hillshade (we used SRTM30_PLUS v8.0), buffered RGI 6.0 outlines (see inventories/), or auxiliary files of the data analysis not shared through the dataset (available upon request).
Using the figure scripts, we can also display other variables of the dataset. For example, we can show the number of valid observation by 5-year period on the same tiling than Extended Data Fig. 7. Some examples are available in dataset/examples_figs/, with resulting figures directly below:
Mean elevation change rate of full period on 2x2° tiles with dot size as glacierized area (4x2° for latitude higher than 60°, 4x4° for latitudes higher than 74°)
Number of valid observations per 100 m pixel per 5-year period on 1x1° tiles
Mean elevation change rate per 5-year period on 0.5x0.5° tiles
Mean elevation change rate per 2-year period on 1x1° tiles as a GIF
As further guide, you will find comments directly present in the structure of the code, or in the documentation of our packages (pyddem, pymmaster).
Enjoy ! :snowman: