rhys-vdw / aopd-ass2

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%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Aparate Path Planner Simulator

Sebastian Sardina Andy Heng Xie Nitin Yadav


Command Line Run

java -cp bin/:lib/JPathPlan-vX.Y.jar:lib/Apparate-vX.Y.jar pplanning.simviewer.controller.Launcher


libJPathPlan.jar is the JAR file for the JPathPlan library
Apparate.jar is the JAR file for the Apparate simulator
pplanning.simviewer.controller.Launcher is the main class
<configuration file> contains all the options for the simulation

You can also use the script run.sh:


Configuration file

map=maps/blastedlands.map % the map file, else it would use a blank map timer=pulser % either pulser (poll at intervals) or continuous grid=euclidean % either manhatten or euclidean totaltime=10000 % total time allowed in milliseconds (0 = no limit) pulsertime=200 % pause time between pulses (only under pulser) steps=200 % how many total steps allowed (0 = no limit) steptime=400 % time allowed in each step (default: no limit) startpos=200,110 % start position destpos=300,270 % goal position quiet=false % no GUI, print out stats (arrived?, #steps, #distance, #time) killonlimit=true % kill the agent if limit time exceeded? managegc=true % Performs garbage collection before each step

script=maps/testscript.mapscript % the file with the scripted events

agentname=My Good Agent

Which agent to use?







Location of the agent JAR or binary


Eclipse Installation

1) Import the .zip file as an existing project.

2) Add this jar files the Java Build Path configuration:

3) To run it within ECLIPSE, create a new run configuration with these details:

Main class:


4) Make sure ECLIPSE is using the SUN Java JRE to run your project (and not OpenJDK): Check Project Properties / Java Build Path / Libraries If you have SUN Java installed somewhere else (e.g., in /opt/java), you need to register it into ECLIPSE so that it can be then selected in your project. You can do it in: Windows / Preferences / Java / Installed JREs For example, you may register JRE /opt/java/64/jdk1.6.0_34/jre Then you can go to your particular project and set to use that JRE version.

GUI Quick Start

File->"Open Map" :
    Opens a new map of file type "*.map"
File->"Open Script" :
    Opens the script for the current map
    Will replace the existing one if exists

Environment->"A*"|"MTD A*"|"LSS LTR A*"|"ALSS LTR A*" :
    Which planner to use. These are the common planners.
Environment->"Others..." :
    This allow you use other planners not listed above
    This opens up a dialog box for you to enter <plannertype>
Environment->"Grid as Manhatten"|"Grid as Euclidean" :
    Determines if the agent is allow to move diagonal

Layer->"Show Traversable Map"|"Show Terrain map" :
    Show only the traversable area of the map or all details of the map
Layer->"Show Start Position"|"Show Destination Position" :
    Show the current location of the start and the destination
Layer->"Show Plan Path" :
    Show the path the agent has planned
Layer->"Show Travelled Path" :
    Show the path which the agent has traversed
Layer->"Show Expanded Node"|"Show Unexpanded Node" :
    Show which location has been opened and which been closed

Run->"Loop" :
    enable this to continuously step through the map, uncheck this to attempt to pause
Run->"Step" :
    click to perform a single step on the map
Run->"Stop on Arrival" :
    Check this to automatically stop looping once the agent has reach the destination

[Status Bar]->[Left] :
    Shows the current step, and if it is running, pausing, stopped or errored
[Status Bar]->[Middle Right] :
    Displays the mouse status, show the coordinate of the mouse on the map.
    Also display the current function active and the selected area if applicable
[Status Bar]->[Right Slider] :
    Slide right to zoom in, left to zoom out.
    Multiplier is shown on the left of the slider

Map :
    To control the map, it use a combination of keyboard and mouse.
    Generally, it require you to press a key and select where to apply it on the map
    There are three type of function:
        Click: press a key and click where to apply it
        Select: press a key and highlight the area to apply it
        Drag: press a key and drag it around the map

    These are the current implemented functions:

        'q' [Select]: fill the select area with out of bound grids
        'w' [Select]: fill the select area with water grids
        'e' [Select]: fill the select area with ground grids
        'r' [Select]: fill the select area with swamp grids
        't' [Select]: fill the select area with tree grids

        's' [Click]: place the agent at the clicked location
        'd' [Click]: place the goal at the clicked location

        'z' [Click]: zoom in at the given point
        'x' [Click]: zoom out at the given point
        'c' [Drag]: move the map around
        'v' [Select]: select the area to zoom into

Map Scripting

file name: "*.mapscript"

    - Commands are separated by line
    - Contains subcommands:
        - STEP:
            "STEP <START> [<LENGTH>:1]" : which steps to execute the action, LENGTH of 0 indicate it is valid for infinite
            "REPEAT <INACTIVELEN> [<ACTIVELEN>:1] [<OFFSET>:0] [<START>:0] [<LENGTH>:0]" :
                repeating steps to execute the action, LENGTH of 0 indicate it is valid for infinite
                The repeat begins by waiting over the INACTIVELEN before executing the number of steps for ACTIVELEN
        - TRIGGER
            "STARTENTER <X> <Y> [<WIDTH>:1 <HEIGHT>:1]" : valid when the start enters the area specified
            "STARTLEAVE <X> <Y> [<WIDTH>:1 <HEIGHT>:1]" : valid when the start leaves the area specified
            "STARTON <X> <Y> [<WIDTH>:1 <HEIGHT>:1]" : valid when the start is within the area specified
            "STARTOFF <X> <Y> [<WIDTH>:1 <HEIGHT>:1]" : valid when the start is not within the area specified
            "GOALENTER <X> <Y> [<WIDTH>:1 <HEIGHT>:1]" : valid when the goal enters the area specified
            "GOALLEAVE <X> <Y> [<WIDTH>:1 <HEIGHT>:1]" : valid when the goal leaves the area specified
            "GOALON <X> <Y> [<WIDTH>:1 <HEIGHT>:1]" : valid when the goal is within the area specified
            "GOALOFF <X> <Y> [<WIDTH>:1 <HEIGHT>:1]" : valid when the goal is not within the area specified
        - ACTION
            "FILLOUTOFBOUND <X> <Y> [<WIDTH>:1 <HEIGHT>:1]" : fill the given area with 'out of bound' terrain
            "FILLWATER <X> <Y> [<WIDTH>:1 <HEIGHT>:1]" : fill the given area with 'water' terrain
            "FILLGROUND <X> <Y> [<WIDTH>:1 <HEIGHT>:1]" : fill the given area with 'ground' terrain
            "FILLSWAMP <X> <Y> [<WIDTH>:1 <HEIGHT>:1]" : fill the given area with 'swamp' terrain
            "FILLTREE <X> <Y> [<WIDTH>:1 <HEIGHT>:1]" : fill the given area with 'tree' terrain
            "PUTSTART <X> <Y>" : place the start at the new given location
            "PUTGOAL <X> <Y>" : place the goal at the new given location
            "PUSHSTART <OFFSETX> <OFFSETY>" : move the start by the given offset amount
            "PUSHGOAL <OFFSETX> <OFFSETY>" : move the goal by the given offset amount

    - A Command must have at least one action and at least one step or trigger subcommand
    - A Command is executed only if at least one step AND one trigger is valid during that step
        - if command does not have a step or trigger, it is consider that the step or trigger is always valid
    - '#' at the start of the command with mark it as a comment

    On the seventh step, fill from <10, 10> to <100, 100> with trees:
        STEP 7 FILLTREE 10 10 91 91

    When the start is within 5 step of the goal at <10, 10>, move the goal to <100, 100>:
        STARTENTER 5 5 11 11 PUTGOAL 100 100

    After the 100 step, move the goal to the right at the rate of 1 move per 7 steps:
        REPEAT 6 1 -6 100 0 PUSHGOAL 1 0

    Every 4 moves, move the start up one step and move the goal left one step
        REPEAT 3 1 PUSHSTART 0 1 PUSHGOAL -1 0

    When the start is within 4 step of the goal at <10, 10> within 100 steps, move the goal to <20, 20>, else move it to <30, 30>:
        STEP 1 100 STARTENTER 6 6 9 9 PUTGOAL 20 20
        STEP 100 0 STARTENTER 6 6 9 9 PUTGOAL 30 30
        # There is two commands


- GUI occassionally locks up if the planner work is too intense

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