ribacq / tomato

Simple markdown-based, static website generator written in Go.
zlib License
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markdown static-site-generator

Tomato: static blog generator

Build Status Coverage Status GoDoc

This is a simple static blog generator written in Go. Content will be written in Markdown. Json is used for the site and categories data.

External ressources


git clone https://github.com/ribacq/tomato
cd tomato
mv example "$name"
# edit "$name"’s content
go build tomato.go
./tomato "$name"
firefox "${name}_html/index.html"

Input structure

Site files


This is the file that defines the site’s main properties. It is written in JSON and looks like this:

    "locales": {
        "en": {
            "path": "/",
            "title": "Tomato",
            "subtitle": "I am a subtitle.",
            "description": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...",
            "copyright": "© 2018, Quentin Ribac, public domain"
        "fr": {
    "authors": [
            "name": "Quentin Ribac",
            "email": "my.email@provider.com"


In order for a category to be indexed by tomato, the corresponding directory must contain a catinfo.json. It can define the following fields:

    "basename": "cat",
    "name": "Category name",
    "description": "I am a category.",
    "unlisted": false

basename is how the category will appear in the URL. If it is not specified, the name of the directory where the catinfo.json is will be used.

unlisted, if set to true, means that the category will exist but hidden in the website, and will not appear in menus. If not specified it is set to false.


The content of your site will be written in pages (or articles) which are Markdown files in a category directory. They have to be named something like: foo.basename.en.md, where:

As for the content of the file, it must begin with the following lines:

#!author: Alice, Bob
#!date: 2018-09-05
#!tags: cats, memes

# Page title goes here
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...

Internationalization (i18n)


The first file to change in defining locales is siteinfo.json:

    "locales": {
        "en": {
            "path": "/",
        "fr": {
            "path": "/fr",

This means that the English version of the website will be at the root: mysite.com/ and the French version under mysite.com/fr.


Category files can be written in two different ways: with one version that will be applied to all locales, or with one version per locale:

    "name": "blog",


    "en": { "name": "01/January", ... },
    "fr": { "name": "01/Janvier", ... }


Locale files must be defined for the templates, in YAML format. example/templates/locales/ provides locale files for the example templates in English and French. They look like:

    locale_name: English
            page: Page
            all_tags: All tags


Internal links must use the locale path prefixes defined in siteinfo.json. This means you have to write [my link](/fr/page.html) instead of just [my link](/page.html) to stay on the French version, if you have defined the French locale path to /fr. This is so because links to images and media will still be like ![alt text](/media/img/plop.png) without locale prefix, whatever the current locale is, and it also allows for cross-language links.

Internal process