ribombee / texture-vq-vae-wfc

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This repository contains the source code for a research project on generating "similar" textures to existing ones using a neurosymbolic method.


Run instructions

There are two files you may want to run in this project. The instructions for running both can be found below, but to run them successfully you must first install all required dependancies. To do this, please install everything in requirements.txt, for example by running the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Training a new VQ-VAE

To train a new VQ-VAE, run the following command:

python train_VQVAE.py --model_loc <model save location>

This will train a new VQ-VAE and save it to <model_loc> in a new folder named vqvae-%m-%d-%H-%M_LD%LD_NE%NE where %m, %d, %H and %M represent the month, day hour and minute the training finished. The %LD represents the latent dimension of the embedding, and the %NE the number of embeddings. These can be helpful to keep track of to make sure these values match in the code for create_similar_textures.py

Running the neurosymbolic generation

To run the neurosymbolic generation you must have a trained VQ-VAE either from running train_VQVAE.py yourself or using trained models archived in the saved_models folder.

To run the generation use the following command:

python create_similar_texture.py --texture_loc <texture_loc> --vqvae_loc <vqvae_loc> --save_loc <save_loc>

Running the neurosymbolic average pattern count code

There are two Python files that run and output the data: