riboseinc / rfc-openpgp-sca

Internet-Draft for SCA OpenPGP extensions
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= Internet Draft: OpenPGP SCA Extensions

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This Internet-Draft is written in pure AsciiDoc using the excellent https://github.com/riboseinc/asciidoctor-rfc[`asciidoctor-rfc` gem].

== Fetching the document


git clone https://github.com/riboseinc/rfc-openpgp-sca

== Installing Build Tools

You will need Ruby, xml2rfc and idnits (for submission preflight).

=== On macOS


brew install idnits brew install python easy_install pip pip install -r requirements.txt gem install bundler bundle install

== Building the document


make all


export ID_NAME=ribose-openpgp-sca make draft-${ID_NAME}.txt

== Checking Against idnits

https://tools.ietf.org/tools/idnits/[idnits] is the RFC checking tool prior to submissions.

The make target finds exactly the document name from the :name: document attribute and puts the file in the right place before calling idnits to prevent it complaining about the location.


export ID_NAME=ribose-openpgp-sca make draft-${ID_NAME}.nits

== Checking for invalid / unicode characters


export ID_NAME=ribose-openpgp-sca pcregrep --color='auto' -n "[\x80-\xFF]" draft-${ID_NAME}.xml

== Iterating the document


export ID_NAME=ribose-openpgp-sca make clean all; open draft-${ID_NAME}.txt