riboseinc / terraform-aws-authenticating-secgroup

Dynamically manage security group IPs through an authenticated HTTPS endpoint
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Terraform Module For Dynamically Managing Security Group IPs

This module is available on the Terraform Registry


1. API Gateway that performs authorization.

2. On-demand Lambda function (linked to API Gateway method `POST|DELETE /connection`): to add/remove rules on-demand

3. Continuous Lambda function: to clean up expired rules

On-demand Lambda Function: Adding/Removing Rules

This is the Lambda function that runs authorize-security-group-ingress and revoke-security-group-ingress on-demand on the given security group.


1.  Authenticate the user via AWS IAM (Signature Version 4).
    Eligibility to authenticate is set in a policy outside of this module.
    The user will provide an AWS v4 signature for authentication.
    Return **403** if not authorized.

2. Once authenticated, Find out the source IP address (a host "/32").

3. If the request is a `POST /connection`
    -   The function will add a `authorize-security-group-ingress` rule for this
        source IP address, with a description that indicates the "time" that this rule was added.
        Return **201**.
    -   If the source IP address is already in the security-group,
        update the description using `update-security-group-rule-descriptions-ingress` to reflect the latest time.
        Return **200**

4. If the request is a `DELETE /connection`
    -   If the source IP address is in the security-group, issue a `revoke-security-group-ingress` on it. Return **200**.
    -   If the source IP address is not in the security group, do nothing. Return **404**.

3. Done.

Continuous Lambda Function: Removing Rules

This is the Lambda function that runs revoke-security-group-ingress on the given security group on rule expiry.

This AWS Lambda function runs every X seconds, and its sole task is to clean out the security group that has stale rules.


1. The function will describe all rules in the given security group.

2. For every rule, it will check the description for the time of last update.
    -   If the elapsed time is less than the configured X seconds, don't do anything.
    -   If the elapsed time is more than the configured X seconds, it means that the
        rule has expired, and it should execute `revoke-security-group-ingress` on it.
        (e.g., if all rules are expired, the security group should now contain no rules)

3. Done.

Sample Usage

Check out examples for more details

Provider config

provider "aws" {
  region  = "us-west-2"

Inline Config

module "dynamic-secgroup" {
  source          = "../.."
  name            = "example-terraform-aws-authenticating-secgroup"
  description     = "example usage of terraform-aws-authenticating-secgroup"
  time_to_expire  = 120 # in seconds
  log_level = "DEBUG"

  # the module will load users in all json files in this bucket
  # sample "users.json"
  #     ["test_user1", "test_user1"]
  bucket_name = "your_users_json_bucket"

  security_groups = [
      "group_ids"   = [
      "rules"       = [
          "type"      = "ingress",
          "from_port" = 44,
          "to_port"   = 44,
          "protocol"  = "tcp"
      "region_name" = "us-west-2"
      "group_ids"   = [
      "rules"       = [
          "type"      = "ingress",
          "from_port" = 24,
          "to_port"   = 24,
          "protocol"  = "tcp"
          "type"      = "ingress",
          "from_port" = 25,
          "to_port"   = 25,
          "protocol"  = "tcp"
      "region_name" = "us-west-1"

Policy Config

resource "aws_iam_policy" "this" {
  description = "Policy Developer SSH Access"
  policy      = "${data.aws_iam_policy_document.access_policy_doc.json}"

data "aws_iam_policy_document" "access_policy_doc" {
  statement {
    effect    = "Allow"

    actions   = [

    resources = [

Some outputs

output "dynamic-secgroup-api-invoke-url" {
  value = "${module.dynamic-secgroup.invoke_url}"

Bash to execute the API

Check out aws-authenticating-secgroup-scripts