riboseinc / terraform-aws-ecs-gitlab

Terraform module for a complete GitLab instance (and associated services) on AWS ECS
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Terraform module to setup Gitlab ECS task

This module helps you create Gitlab ECS task service and the related task role, assuming that:

Terraform Usage

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="anaccesskey"
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="asecretkey"
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="us-west-1"
terraform init
terraform apply

Sample Usage

You can literally copy and paste the following example, change the following attributes, and you're ready to go:



# include this module and enter the values of input variables
module "ecs-gitlab" {
  source              = "riboseinc/ecs-gitlab/aws"
  gitlab_domain       = "gitlab.example.com"
  prefix              = "ribose"
  aws_ecs_cluster_id  = "arn:..."
  vpc_id              = "vpc-1234567"
  subnets             = ["subnet-1234567","subnet-7654321"]
  certificate_arn     = "arn:..."

output "Root_Password" {
  value = module.ecs-gitlab.gitlab_root_password

output "Gitlab_Address" {
  value = module.ecs-gitlab.gitlab_web_endpoint