ricardoquesada / creator_to_cocos2d

C++ Creator support for Cocos2dx
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Creator support for Cocos2d-x


Given that Creator uses a component based model to create its objects, and cocos2d-x has its monolithic structure, it is only possible to support a limited subset of Creator features.

Supported nodes:

Animations and other nodes are planned.

Supporting JavaScript scripts would be overkill. If you need JavaScript scripting support, just use Creator.

How to generate the needed files

  1. Convert the .fire files into .json files
  2. Compile the newly generated .json files into flatbuffer files
  3. Copy the generated files to your project
  4. Copy the needed assets to your project

From .fire to .json

The Python script to convert .fire to .json is called:

And can be downloaded from this repository:

How to use it:

$ convert_fire_to_json.py \[--cocospath path\] \[--creatorassets\] fire_files_to_parse


# should load assets from Resources folder in the game
# Creator default assets are in temp
# The .fire files are located in assets
$ python convert_fire_to_json.py --cocospath Resources --creatorassets temp assets/*.fire

This Github respository also includes a Creator project that is used for testing. For example, this should work:

$ ./convert_fire_to_json.py --cocospath Resources --creatorassets creator_project/temp creator_project/assets/*.fire

The generated .json files will be placed in a folder named "json"

From .json to binary files

The JSON files are only generated as a temporary file format. It will not be efficient to parse JSON files in a game.

Instead a binary file based on Flatbuffers will be used instead

In order to generate the binary files, the following are needed:

And in order to generate the binary files just do:

$ flatc -b CreatorReader.fbs json/*.json

flatc can be found here:

Afer running flatc, you will find one or more files with the extension .ccreator. The .ccreator files are the binary files that should be copied to your cocos2d-x project.

Copy the generated files to your project

You should copy and include the following files to your Cocos2d-x project

Copy the assets to your project

Finally you have to copy the asset uses by Creator in your project. You should copy:

Just copy them to the directory specified with --cocospath when convert_fire_to_json.py was run

You must copy:

Using it from C++

// mygame.cpp

#include "CreatorReader.h"

void some_function()
    CreatorReader* reader = CreatorReader::createWithFilename("creator/CreatorSprites.ccreator");

    // will create the needed spritesheets + design resolution

    // get the scene graph
    Scene* scene = reader->getSceneGraph();

    // ...and use it

A working example can be found here:

Just run "cpp-tests" and select "CreatorTest"