riccardofeingold / realsense_normal_plane_computation

This code calculates the normal vector of a plane using the pointcloud data provided by the realsense camera.
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How to use this repository

First of all, this code has to run on Ubuntu Jammy 22.04 and you need to install ROS2 humble. To install the latter have a look here: https://docs.ros.org/en/humble/Installation/Ubuntu-Install-Debians.html

Having this setup, you first need to create the following folder structure random_name/src/. Inside the src you clone this repository.

    git clone https://github.com/riccardofeingold/realsense_normal_plane_computation.git .

Now, go one level up using cd ../. You should be now inside the random_name folder. At this point, use colcon to build files:

    colcon build

Before you can use ROS2 to run the node you always have to source the setup.bash file first:

    . install/setup.bash

Now you can run the node using:

    ros2 run magnecko_realsense_node magnecko_realsense_node

librealsense installation guide

Created: March 18, 2023 11:33 AM Theme: Software

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Building librealsense2 SDK