riccardomarin / FARM-ZOSR

Code repository for the paper: High-Resolution Augmentation for Automatic Template-Based Matching of Human Models
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Marin, R. and Melzi, S. and Rodolà, E. and Castellani, U., High-Resolution Augmentation for Automatic Template-Based Matching of Human Models, 3DV 2019



The code runs over all meshes inside "Testset" directory.

To run the whole pipline adjust the paths of Matlab and Python interpreters inside the file:


and run it.

You can also run each step individually, following this order:


We provide a shapes from FAUST test scan to verify the setup is done correctly. The output is stored in the directory:


Other directories contain results after each steps and other useful computations (e.g. FMAP correspondence, landmarks, hands and head patches).

The code compute one step of High-Detail Augmentation and one step of Local High-Detail Augmentation. To replicate paper results, you have to perform more steps.


This code is tested over Windows 10 64bit w\ Matlab 2018a, and Python 2.7 (but parsing to 3 should be easy). All necessary files are already conteined inside this repository.

Several pieces of this pipeline come from third parts contributions; in particular we would list the following credits:

Finally, some Matlab ToolBoxes are required (e.g. Symbolic, Parallel Computing).


If you use this code, please cite the following:

author = {Marin, R. and Melzi, S. and Rodolà, E. and Castellani, U.},
title = {High-Resolution Augmentation for Automatic Template-Based Matching of Human Models},
booktitle={2019 International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV)},


Please check the license terms (also of third parts software) before downloading and/or using the code, the models and the data. All code and results obtained from it not already covered by other licenses has to be intendend only for non-commercial scientific research purposes. Any other use, in particular any use for commercial purposes, is prohibited. This includes, without limitation, incorporation in a commercial product, use in a commercial service, or production of other artefacts for commercial purposes including, for example, 3D models, movies, or video games.