rich-p-rich / coffee-and-honey-p5

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Welcome to my project 5: Coffee and Honey

Background. I have long been a fan of coffee shops where you can enjoy decent coffee and cake, maybe a freshly made sandwich, and while away some time either reading a book or simply staring out of the window. I am as happy in a good chain or franchise as I am in an independent, but a good independent coffee shop will always hold a special place in my heart. Sadly, I have seen several such independents go out of business because the margins are so fine and the competition is so tough. However I have also seen many independents try to expand their businesses by selling or offering extras, from function rooms in which yoga classes or toddler groups are held, selling cups and teapots or even installing a bookstore. Some ideas have worked and some have not, but I thought this would be an interesting project to take on for P5: how could an independent coffee shop establish an online presence that would help it:

These are therefore the aims of my P5 project website Coffee and Honey.

Gitpod Reminders

To run a frontend (HTML, CSS, Javascript only) application in Gitpod, in the terminal, type:

python3 -m http.server

A blue button should appear to click: Make Public,

Another blue button should appear to click: Open Browser.

To run a backend Python file, type python3 if your Python file is named, of course.

A blue button should appear to click: Make Public,

Another blue button should appear to click: Open Browser.

By Default, Gitpod gives you superuser security privileges. Therefore, you do not need to use the sudo (superuser do) command in the bash terminal in any of the lessons.

To log into the Heroku toolbelt CLI:

  1. Log in to your Heroku account and go to Account Settings in the menu under your avatar.
  2. Scroll down to the API Key and click Reveal
  3. Copy the key
  4. In Gitpod, from the terminal, run heroku_config
  5. Paste in your API key when asked

You can now use the heroku CLI program - try running heroku apps to confirm it works. This API key is unique and private to you, so do not share it. If you accidentally make it public, you can create a new one with Regenerate API Key.

Connecting your Mongo database

Release History

We continually tweak and adjust this template to help give you the best experience. Here is the version history:

June 18, 2024, Add Mongo back into template

June 14, 2024, Temporarily remove Mongo until the key issue is resolved

May 28 2024: Fix Mongo and Links installs

April 26 2024: Update node version to 16

September 20 2023: Update Python version to 3.9.17.

September 1 2021: Remove PGHOSTADDR environment variable.

July 19 2021: Remove font_fix script now that the terminal font issue is fixed.

July 2 2021: Remove extensions that are not available in Open VSX.

June 30 2021: Combined the P4 and P5 templates into one file, added the uptime script. See the FAQ at the end of this file.

June 10 2021: Added: font_fix script and alias to fix the Terminal font issue

May 10 2021: Added heroku_config script to allow Heroku API key to be stored as an environment variable.

April 7 2021: Upgraded the template for VS Code instead of Theia.

October 21 2020: Versions of the HTMLHint, Prettier, Bootstrap4 CDN and Auto Close extensions updated. The Python extension needs to stay the same version for now.

October 08 2020: Additional large Gitpod files (core.mongo* and core.python*) are now hidden in the Explorer, and have been added to the .gitignore by default.

September 22 2020: Gitpod occasionally creates large core.Microsoft files. These are now hidden in the Explorer. A .gitignore file has been created to make sure these files will not be committed, along with other common files.

April 16 2020: The template now automatically installs MySQL instead of relying on the Gitpod MySQL image. The message about a Python linter not being installed has been dealt with, and the set-up files are now hidden in the Gitpod file explorer.

April 13 2020: Added the Prettier code beautifier extension instead of the code formatter built-in to Gitpod.

February 2020: The initialisation files now do not auto-delete. They will remain in your project. You can safely ignore them. They just make sure that your workspace is configured correctly each time you open it. It will also prevent the Gitpod configuration popup from appearing.

December 2019: Added Eventyret's Bootstrap 4 extension. Type !bscdn in a HTML file to add the Bootstrap boilerplate. Check out the file at the official repo for more options.

FAQ about the uptime script

Why have you added this script?

It will help us to calculate how many running workspaces there are at any one time, which greatly helps us with cost and capacity planning. It will help us decide on the future direction of our cloud-based IDE strategy.

How will this affect me?

For everyday usage of Gitpod, it doesn’t have any effect at all. The script only captures the following data:

It is not possible for us or anyone else to trace the random ID back to an individual, and no personal data is being captured. It will not slow down the workspace or affect your work.


We want to tell you this so that we are being completely transparent about the data we collect and what we do with it.

Can I opt out?

Yes, you can. Since no personally identifiable information is being captured, we'd appreciate it if you let the script run; however if you are unhappy with the idea, simply run the following commands from the terminal window after creating the workspace, and this will remove the uptime script:

rm .vscode/

Anything more?

Yes! We'd strongly encourage you to look at the source code of the file so that you know what it's doing. As future software developers, it will be great practice to see how these shell scripts work.

Happy coding!