richardhundt / shine

A Shiny Lua Dialect
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Build-time PREFIX is assumed to have fixed value in shine and shinec #69

Open leonidborisenko opened 9 years ago

leonidborisenko commented 9 years ago

Even if PREFIX had been set to custom value (not default /usr/local) before building Shine, shine and shinec still look into /usr/local for standard library. Here is relevant code excerpt from src/shine.lua:

package.path  = './lib/?.raw;./lib/?.lua;'..package.path
package.path  = './?.shn;./lib/?.shn;/usr/local/share/shine/?.shn;'..package.path
package.path  = './?/init.shn;./lib/?/init.shn;/usr/local/share/shine/?/init.shn;'..package.path..';'
package.cpath = './lib/?.so;'..package.cpath
package.cpath = '/usr/local/lib/shine/?.so;'..package.cpath..';'