richardvdweerd / a85_fluor_lights

Flickering lights simulator for use in a dcc model train.
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DCC Fluorencent Lights for model trains

Fluorencent lights simulator

Function 3 turns lights on in random order, flashing while turning on to simulate fluorescent tube lights Function 4 turns lights on in the cabin, it auto turns off when the train is driving at certain speed Function 0 turns front / rear lights on, depending on direction Depending on speed (<=1) and direction, the cab light (the last neopixel) is turned on

Function numbers for coach and cabin lights can be defined in the header file 'trainsettings.h'.

Depends on custom hardware on EasyEda:|b3c5f66cd8e042c0a457cb712b1af14f|844aaadede394cb6b4f7d844c48b101b


Nice to have

An attempt to implement above was started in another branch 'remote-programming'. After implementing the code for entering the programming mode, the attempt was shut down because of memory lack on the attiny85. I wil try it again when the new micro processor (attiny167) has arrived. This processor had twice the (flash) memory.

dcc #dcc++ #at85 #at167 #neopixel #model-railroad #fluorenscent-light-simulator