== Creating and running project made with RichFaces Forge addon
=== Prerequsities
=== Creating project
addon-install --coordinate
*** org.richfaces.forge:richfaces-forge-addon
or from git: addon-install-from-git --url https://github.com/richfaces/richfaces-forge-plugin.git
create project (see http://forge.jboss.org/documentation[Forge documentation])
e.g. project-new --named richfaces-example --topLevelPackage org.richfaces.example --type war --finalName richfaces-example
then run following commands to install:
Servlet API: servlet-setup
JavaServer Faces: faces-setup
RichFaces 4.5.0: richfaces-setup
*** RichFaces facelet: richfaces-facelet
=== Build/Deploy the project
mvn package
from the project rootrichfaces-example.war
on a JEE6 container (WildFly 8, JBoss EAP 6, etc.)