Closed jdgrassi closed 5 months ago
Here's my notes on what changed between v11 and v12.
nCorrT1METJet UInt_t → nCorrT1METJet Int_t Electron_genPartIdx Int_t(index to Genpart) → Short_t(index to Genpart) Electron_jetIdx Int_t(index to Jet) → Short_t(index to Jet) Electron_photonIdx Int_t(index to Photon) → Short_t(index to Photon) Electron_tightCharge Int_t → UChar_t nElectron UInt_t → Int_t FsrPhoton_muonIdx Int_t(index to Muon) → Short_t(index to Muon) nFsrPhoton UInt_t → Int_t GenPart_genPartIdxMother Int_t(index to Genpart) → Short_t(index to Genpart) GenPart_statusFlags Int_t → UShort_t nGenPart UInt_t → Int_t nLHEPart UInt_t → Int_t nLHEPdfWeight UInt_t → Int_t nLHEReweightingWeight UInt_t → Int_t nLHEScaleWeight UInt_t → Int_t Muon_fsrPhotonIdx Int_t(index to Fsrphoton) → Short_t(index to Fsrphoton) Muon_genPartIdx Int_t → Short_t(index to Genpart) Muon_jetIdx Int_t → Short_t Muon_nStations Int_t → UChar_t Muon_nTrackerLayers Int_t → UChar_t Muon_tightCharge Int_t → UChar_t nMuon UInt_t → Int_t nOtherPV UInt_t → Int_t nPSWeight UInt_t → Int_t PV_npvs Int_t → UChar_t PV_npvsGood Int_t → UChar_t Photon_cutBased Int_t → UChar_t Photon_electronIdx Int_t → Short_t Photon_genPartIdx Int_t → Short_t Photon_jetIdx Int_t → Short_t nPhoton UInt_t → Int_t SV_charge Short_t → Int_t nSV Int_t → UInt_t nSoftActivityJet Int_t → UInt_t nSubGenJetAK8 Int_t → UInt_t
Things removed: Electron_cleanmask Electron_dEscaleDown Electron_dEscaleUp Electron_dEsigmaDown Electron_dEsigmaUp Electron_mvaFall17V2Iso Float_t MVA Iso ID V2 score Electron_mvaFall17V2Iso_WP80 Bool_t MVA Iso ID V2 WP80 Electron_mvaFall17V2Iso_WP90 Bool_t MVA Iso ID V2 WP90 Electron_mvaFall17V2Iso_WPL Bool_t MVA Iso ID V2 loose WP Electron_mvaFall17V2noIso Float_t MVA noIso ID V2 score Electron_mvaFall17V2noIso_WP80 Bool_t MVA noIso ID V2 WP80 Electron_mvaFall17V2noIso_WP90 Bool_t MVA noIso ID V2 WP90 Electron_mvaFall17V2noIso_WPL Bool_t MVA noIso ID V2 loose WP Muon_mvaId UChar_t Mva ID from miniAOD selector (1=MvaLoose, 2=MvaMedium, 3=MvaTight, 4=MvaVTight, 5=MvaVVTight) Muon_mvaLowPt Float_t Low pt muon ID score Muon_mvaLowPtId UChar_t Low Pt Mva ID from miniAOD selector (1=LowPtMvaLoose, 2=LowPtMvaMedium) Muon_cleanmask Photon_charge Photon_cleanmask Photon_cutBased_Fall17V1Bitmap Photon_dEscaleDown Float_t Photon_dEscaleUp Float_t Photon_dEsigmaDown Float_t Photon_dEsigmaUp Float_t Photon_eCorr Float_t Photon_mass Float_t Photon_mvaID_Fall17V2 Float_t MVA ID score, Fall17V2 Photon_mvaID_Fall17V2_WP80 Bool_t MVA ID WP80, Fall17V2 Photon_mvaID_Fall17V2_WP90 Bool_t MVA ID WP90, Fall17V2 Photon_pfRelIso03_all_Fall17V2 Photon_pfRelIso03_chg_Fall17V2 Photon_vidNestedWPBitmapFall17V2 Rho*
Things added: Electron_fsrPhotonIdx Short_t(index to Fsrphoton) Index of the lowest-dR/ET2 among associated FSR photons Electron_seediEtaOriX Char_t iEta or iX of seed crystal. iEta is barrel-only, iX is endcap-only. iEta runs from -85 to +85, with no crystal at iEta=0. iX runs from 1 to 100. Electron_seediPhiOriY Int_t iPhi or iY of seed crystal. iPhi is barrel-only, iY is endcap-only. iPhi runs from 1 to 360. iY runs from 1 to 100. Electron_svIdx Short_t(index to Sv) index of matching secondary vertex Electron_mvaHZZIso Float_t HZZ MVA Iso ID score Electron_mvaIso Float_t MVA Iso ID score, Winter22V1 Electron_mvaIso_WP80 Bool_t MVA Iso ID WP80, Winter22V1 Electron_mvaIso_WP90 Bool_t MVA Iso ID WP90, Winter22V1 Electron_mvaNoIso Float_t MVA noIso ID score, Winter22V1 Electron_mvaNoIso_WP80 Bool_t MVA noIso ID WP80, Winter22V1 Electron_mvaNoIso_WP90 Bool_t MVA noIso ID WP90, Winter22V1
FsrPhoton_electronIdx Short_t(index to Electron)
Muon_mvaLowPt Float_t Low pt muon ID score Muon_mvaMuID Float_t MVA-based ID score Muon_mvaMuID_WP UChar_t MVA-based ID selector WPs (1=MVAIDwpMedium,2=MVAIDwpTight) Muon_bsConstrainedChi2 Float_t chi2 of beamspot constraint Muon_bsConstrainedPt Float_t pT with beamspot constraint Muon_bsConstrainedPtErr Float_t pT error with beamspot constraint Muon_svIdx Short_t(index to Sv) index of matching secondary vertex OtherPV_z Float_t Z position of other primary vertices, excluding the main PV Photon_ecalPFClusterIso Float_t sum pt of ecal clusters, vetoing clusters part of photon Photon_energyRaw Float_t raw energy of photon supercluster Photon_esEffSigmaRR Float_t preshower sigmaRR Photon_esEnergyOverRawE Float_t ratio of preshower energy to raw supercluster energy Photon_etaWidth Float_t Width of the photon supercluster in eta Photon_haloTaggerMVAVal Float_t Value of MVA based BDT based beam halo tagger in the Ecal endcap (valid for pT > 200 GeV) Photon_hasConversionTracks Bool_t Variable specifying if photon has associated conversion tracks (one-legged or two-legged) Photon_hcalPFClusterIso Float_t sum pt of hcal clusters, vetoing clusters part of photon Photon_hoe_PUcorr Float_t PU corrected H/E (cone-based with quadraticEA x rho x rho + linearEA x rho Winter22V1 corrections) Photon_pfChargedIso Float_t PF absolute isolation dR=0.3, charged component with dxy,dz match to PV Photon_trkSumPtHollowConeDR03 Float_t Sum of track pT in a hollow cone of outer radius, inner radius Photon_trkSumPtSolidConeDR04 Float_t Sum of track pT in a cone of dR=0.4
most significant change: Added electron_fsrphotonidx and FsrPhoton_electronIdx in pico. v12 no longer has DeepB. I changed to using PNetB as default for 2022 and 2023/nanoaodv12. Implemented btag_wps for PNetB for 2022, 2022EE, 2023, 2023BPix. Also switched to using HZZ electron mva as default. See issue #44 .
Review any possible changes in branch names with the shift to nanoAODv12, as well as type changes occurring between v11 and v12. Pass photon mva variables that are present to picos Other changes. . .